Friday, December 4, 2020

Harwood Staff Blog update, December 4, 2020

“When the days are short and you haven’t recovered from the exhaustion of late fall, look for the light.”  - Elena Aguilar

Team Harwood,

After coming out of the woods on Wednesday night I was greeted by the sparkle of lights illuminating some of my neighbors’ trees and I found myself exhaling and immediately thinking of Elena Aguilar and her words about being an educator in December  “The brain’s negativity bias is exacerbated by fatigue and poor self care, so the start of December is an optimal time of the year to focus on the bright spots as we often find ourselves dragging towards winter break.”  

So, this weekend we want to invite you to  literally “focus on the bright spots” by enjoying the River of Lights Festival throughout the Valley and Waterbury this year.  See below for viewing sites: (lanterns made by Waitsfield, Warren, and Fayston Elementary schools will be at the Waitsfield site.)

  • Dac Rowe Park - North Main Street, Waterbury - Entrance on Main Street with Exit on Winooski Street 
  • Bonus Site - Winooski Street Bridge lit by Waterbury Winterfest
  • Crossett Brook Middle School - Route 100 - Duxbury
  • Camp Meade/Red Hen Bakery - Route 2 - Middlesex
  • Waitsfield Elementary - Route 100 - Waitsfield

 This is a drive through event.

Lanterns can be viewed for several hours well into the night. Lanterns will be ready to view by 5pm.

Perhaps this bright spot will inspire other reflections and moments that provide other metaphorically “bright spots.”

  • For our staff who have and are experiencing loss and illness.

  • To Tracy for holding down the Health office during one heck of a week

  • Alex R for the ongoing amazing efforts for our Friday coffee and donuts 

  • For Mari and her consistent and clear dismisal of the busses each day 

  • For Taggert and Justin for the work they do  behind the scenes to keep our tech system running

  • For Curtis for keeping ouf student data systems running

  • Our SPED team for their continued resilience and the way you collectively lean in and support each other. 

With deep gratitude,

Laurie, Duane and Meg

"Many drops make a bucket, many buckets make a pond, many ponds make a lake, and many lakes make an ocean." 
To quote a famous poet: This is a bucket, some are blue, some are red, some are purple, some are white, but all (pause) are a delight! E. Larose 2020  

Harwood Introduces Transit Cards for All Bus Riders

Beginning Monday, December 14, Harwood Union Middle/High School Bus riders will be issued Harwood Transit cards (ZPass System) to assist school staff with identifying what students ride which bus each day regardless of any change in the bus they take to or from school.   This is more important than ever given during this  COVID school year.  Harwood will pilot this system in December with the goal of full implementation beginning January 2021.  Please contact Duane Pierson at with any questions.  

What is Zpass?  

ZPass is an innovative student electronic ridership system which provides school staff with the time, date and location that a student enters and exits a school bus. The program software is widely used and trusted by school districts across the nation. Each school bus is equipped with a Transit Card reader. As students enter and exit their bus, they simply tap or swipe their transit cards in front of the card reader located at the bus entry door. (See the pictures above) The system then records the time, date and location of entry or exit. This data is transmitted to a secure database only accessible to school administrative staff and authorized transportation staff. 

How will we use the Zpass system at Harwood?  

All Harwood bus riders will be required to swipe their Harwood Transit Cards when boarding, riding or departing a school bus. In the event a student loses their ID or it is damaged, they will receive an additional ZPass ID free of charge during our pilot time period.   If a student loses their ID, they will not be denied transportation; however they will need to obtain a replacement ID from the main office in a timely manner. Daily bus students will be required to use their Transit Card each time they enter or exit a bus.  At this time we are only utilizing this system for daily school bus transportation.  

When will Students begin using this system? 

  • On Monday, December 14, the Monday/Tuesday Bus Students (Harwood Gold Group)  will receive their cards (with a Harwood Lanyard) 

If a student does not receive a Transit Card they should see Nancy in the front office.  

  • On Tuesday, December 15, the Harwood Gold Group will use their cards as they board and exit their am and pm bus

  • On Thursday, December 17, the Thursday/Friday Bus Students (Harwood Black Group)  will receive their cards (with a Harwood Lanyard) during TA.    

If a student does not receive a Transit Card they should see Nancy in the front office.  

On Thursday, December 18, the Harwood Black Group will use their cards as they board and exit their am and pm bus




Tasks/Point people 

Upcoming Dates 


  • 12/10 & 12/11 Gold Cohort - Picture day make up times

  • SCHEDULE CHANGE - Similar to before Thanksgiving break we are changing cohort days so we will see both groups of students before leaving for December break.

    • 12/21 - Black cohort

    • 12/22 - Gold cohort 

  • 12/23 - 01/03 - December Vacation - NO School

  • 1/29 - Last day of Semester 1/Quarter 2 

Meg and Laurie, Duane


  • This was sent out to families in they 12/4 family newsletter

Attendance: As we continue to collaborate and work toward supporting our students in this challenging year, we want to emphasize the importance of their presence and engagement during their in-person days at school. The instruction and social opportunities, while different this year, are essential to students' well-being and success. 

Please remember, with the exception of a medical illness (with doctors note), or extenuating circumstances as approved by administration, absences from school are considered Unexcused. 

We look forward to seeing your student every day we can! 


Staff meeting 

ObjectiveTo identify areas of student’s need to address in ELO.

Running Agenda

Pre-work:  Please ensure the Data analysis we rolled out a few weeks ago is complete.

Zoom Information:  

Meeting ID: 858 1626 1603

Passcode: 9M1Hus

Got questions - need answers?

Join our weekly Monday Q&A zoom drop in.

Join Zoom Meeting

ID: 81251869599

Password: JKAta7Fg5D

‪(US) +1 346-248-7799‬

Passcode: 8719227514

Passcode: JKAta7Fg5D




Tasks/Point people 

Attendance reminder

Please use P to mark each student present in your class.

Meg, Laurie and Duane 

Clarity around creating substitute plans when you’re absent 

When writing your sub plans we want to encourage everyone to create asynchronous tasks for your students (that are specific to your course) - that can be completed independently during a study hall. 

We recognize that lesson plans take much time and energy and on any given day we don’t know if we’ll have a substitute for your class or need to ask another teacher to step in and proctor a study hall.  With that in mind we are encouraging you to plan accordingly in order to respect your own time and maximize student learning time.  

Clarity around your responsibility IF a student is out for quarantine or other related COVID reasons

Having students out for extended periods for varied reasons is stressful and we want to reiterate that if students are absent you are ONLY responsible for:

  • responding within 24 hours to a student's email.

  • keeping Google classroom up to date; which allows students to see assignments they need if not in class.

  • reviewing the needs of individual students and assigning them to ELO accordingly.

  • communicating with the student if they are absent for more than three days and scheduling a meeting to see how they can best support the student.

We are working to create a “quarantine team” on staff that can provide some zoom support for students absent.  That said, this will only be able to provide minimal tutorial support/assistance with organization/prioritization/clarity.

Absence reminders to families

If parents communicate absences with you - please direct them to complete the school absence google form.

Ensuring we have accurate attendance data is essential always but particularly now as major decisions are being made based on this data.  Thank you for your help with this.  




Tasks/Point people 

Suggestions for avoiding Burnout and “completing the stress cycle.”

Have you checked out Brene Brown’s “Unlocking Us” podcast yet? I just finished listening to the episode “Brené with Emily and Amelia Nagoski on Burnout and How to Complete the Stress Cycle.” This episode really connected with me as I don’t know about all of you, but I am definitely having moments of feeling totally burned out! In this episode, Brene, Emily, and Amelia discuss six key ways to complete stress cycle to help alleviate feelings of burnout which include physical activity - any type of movement and it does not need to be high impact and/or intense cardio, breathing such as meditation, positive social interaction - it can be a simple “hello” with a compliment, laughter - true belly laughter, tears included!, affection - a 20 second hug of connection, a good cry, and last but not least, creative expression. As we enter the darkest time of the year, consider integrating ways to complete the stress cycle into your life on a daily basis - move, laugh, hug, create, breathe, cry, and spread kindness. Maybe even drop some gratitude into the gratitude bucket? :)

If you want to dig in deeper into Burnout and completing the Stress Cycle, you can listen to the podcast and check out the show notes here or check out the book Emily and Amerlia Nagoski wrote called “Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle,”

Tara Cariano 

Reminders from our health office 

Why are social gatherings prohibited right now?

Vermont is seeing a surge in new COVID-19 cases. Recent data have shown that social gatherings, both inside and outside, at homes, bars and social clubs, and among sports teams are currently driving outbreaks in Vermont. This is why there are restrictions on social gatherings at this time.

This is what you cannot do:

  • You are not allowed to gather with people you don’t live with. This includes all inside and outside social, recreational and entertainment gatherings, and in public and private spaces. For example, this means you cannot go over to a family member or friend’s house or go to a restaurant with someone you don’t live with.

  • Visitors to Vermont cannot gather with Vermonters or with people from another traveling group. This includes sharing lodging with another household or traveling group. Travelers may not stay with a Vermont host or stay in a Vermont lodging establishment or short-term rental with another household. Even if they have completed a quarantine, or intend to quarantine with another household, they may not gather with another household in Vermont.

This is what you can do:

  • People who live alone may gather with people who live in one other household.

  • People can take in and shelter those from another household who are living in a dangerous, unhealthy or otherwise unsafe situation.

  • You can do outdoor fitness activities with one other person from another household. However, both of you must stay at least 6 feet away from each other and wear a mask at all times. For example, you can bike, hike, walk or run with one of your neighbors.

  • Visitors to Vermont can socialize only with the people they are traveling with.

More information can be found here and answers to FAQ’s can be found here.

Amanda & Tracy

High School TA plans for the coming week

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” ~ Zig Zigler

The Gratitude Bucket Challenge is underway!!!

What? An opportunity to express gratitude for the people and things in life that bring us joy.

The Challenge: To fill the buckets by December 18th

The twist...can faculty and staff fill our bucket before the students? 

Other Details:

  • Cards can be handmade or picked up outside Wellness Center, where the high school buckets are located. The Middle School bucket is in the gallery.

  • If you wish to have a card delivered to a person or group at Harwood, write: “please deliver”  and we will make sure to distribute on 12/21 and 12/22.

  • Please invite your TA students each day to express their gratitude and help to fill the bucket

Why are we doing this? Sharing gratitude brings joy to others  (filling their bucket) as well as improves our own sense of wellbeing (filling our bucket). There’s lots of science that proves this. AND it is just a great way to build a sense of community!

Questions of the Week for Asynchronous Wellness Check in:

  1. What is one thing that made you laugh recently?

  2. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

  3. If there were a TV show of your life, what would the title be and who would play you?

  4. What has been the best part of your week so far?

  5. What 5 words best describe how you are doing this week?

  6. If you could make one rule that the world would have to follow, what would it be and why?


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