Friday, November 20, 2020

Harwood Staff Blog update, November 20, 2020

We are grateful for all that everyone does!  Have a great Thanksgiving!  

Take Care of yourself and your families! 

"Hey I just met you, and this is gravy, but here's my stuffing, so carve me maybe."

Team Harwood; 

As we continue to ensure our students are safe - seen, heard, respected and understood we want to reiterate our priorities and ask for your continued partnership to hold us and each other accountable to maintaining our focus on these  School wide Priorities:  

  • Wellness - to ensure basic needs are being met in order for learning to happen

  • Attendance - to ensure students are seen and thus able to learn

  • ELO - to support all students in learning

 Weekly and Daily Priorities:




  • Continue to update seating charts

  • Complete attendance for TA & each block in the first 10 min. of each block

  • Holding necessary staff meetings on line when possible

  • Ensure students sign out when they go to the bathroom  

  • Remind students to keep masks above their nose & maintain physical distancing 

  • Book students for each ELO block

  • Universal support of TA

    • TA Wellness check for the Black and Gold Cohort 

    • Follow up with TA Wellness check

    • Follow up with TA absences 


    Take time for your own wellness

    • Email to students and families who you have signed up for your ELO blocks

    • Follow up communication with students and families if students were absent from an assigned ELO

    Continuing to manage our time and prioritize our own wellness requires that we not only have clarity of our expectations but clarity of what we can remove from your priority lists - please see below for a few suggestions:

    • Follow up with students who have course completion in your class from 2019-2020

    • Getting through your “entire curriculum”

    Knowing that clarity can sometimes best be sought in person we want to invite everyone to join us for a drop in via zoom to ask questions and seek answers - Monday 2:50

    Join Zoom Meeting

    ID: 81251869599

    Password: JKAta7Fg5D

    ‪(US) +1 346-248-7799‬

    Passcode: 8719227514


    Weekly gratitudes:

    • To Chelsea & Heather for digging into their tool kit and using universal strategies to support our students and when they were out of tools completing the SST referral to seek additional support.

    • To Eric, Amanda,  Tracy and Alison Conyers for their work around providing COVID testing for our staff this past week.  

    • To Jen Dreimiller for an amazing start to the Harwood Wellness Center 

    In partnership and with gratitude,

    Meg, Laurie, and Duane




    Tasks/Point people 

    Schedule resources - if you need a reminder of our: Wednesday; Snow day; Full Remote

    Please note the Q2 TA start time on Wed. is now 9 a.m.

    Harwood Middle/High school Wednesday; Full Remote & snow day schedule  here.

    *This is also on our website under bell schedule

    Duane, Meg and Laurie 

    Synthesized attendance tasks for teachers 

    1. take attendance in first 10 min. of each TA/block

    2. call Nancy/Liz if a student is missing from class after the first 10 min.

    3. email with students/families after an unexcused absence

    4. book student for ELO after an unexcused absence

    5. log tardies in powerschool

    6. book student for ELO after 3 unexcused tardies

    Meg, Laurie and Duane 

    Absence reminders to families

    If parents communicate absences with you - please direct them to complete the school absence google form.

    Ensuring we have accurate attendance data is essential always but particularly now as major decisions are being made based on this data.  Thank you for your help with this.  

    ELO expectations 

    Teachers are expected to have students booked for each ELO block they teach.  

    • Please book students for ELO in Enriching students

    • Attendance must be taken for each ELO block in Enriching Students.  (This is critical for our data collection.)

    • Teachers are expected to plan and deliver either: 

      • Support

      • Enrichment

      • or whole class instruction 

    for each ELO block they teach. 

    • Proactive booking of students is expected and needs to be completed by the end of the day each Monday.  Pre-bookings should be based on:

      • Need for targeted support for current work - either skills review or completion oversight 

      • Need to complete or revise work from the previous week

      • Extended or enrichment opportunities to deepen understanding and demonstrate advanced skills

    Curtis and Lisa T.




    Tasks/Point people 

    A reminder about the holidays from our Counseling office

    Given the time of the year, it is important to remember that the holidays for many students and families are stressful. We need to be mindful of how we discuss the upcoming holidays with our students. 

    This year for many of us and for many of our students, Thanksgiving is even more challenging given all the COVID related factors. A simple question such as “What are your Thanksgiving Day plans?” can trigger a flood of emotions. Some folks may be grieving the loss of others or traditional plans while some folks may be excited about new or continued plans. Please remember the analogy of the “iceberg” and that there is often more going on beneath the surface for folks including our students.

    If you are concerned about a student, given the time of year, continue to support them  and reach out to their school counselor, for additional support if needed.

    Sally, Erin and Tara

    Reminders from our health office 

    On Friday November 13th, 2020,  Governor Scott announced important updates to the Executive Orders in an effort to keep Vermonters healthy and safe;

    Multiple Household Social Gatherings Suspended. Attendance at all public

    and private social, recreational and entertainment gatherings, indoor and

    outdoor, including large social gatherings incidental to ceremonies, holiday

    gatherings, parties and celebrations, shall be limited to participation with

    only members of a single household. For the sake of clarity, nothing in this

    Order prohibits the gathering of members living in the same residence.

    Individuals who live alone may gather with members of their immediate

    family residing in a different household.

    Please review the full document and updates at:

    Amanda & Tracy

    High School TA plans for the coming week


    “If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.” — Rabbi Harold Kushner

    As we approach Thanksgiving week, I hope you have all enjoyed a gratitude activity with your TA students. We will continue to share gratitude through activities in advisory next week and beyond. 

    After the Thanksgiving break, we will embark on a school-wide “Fill the Buckets with Gratitude Challenge” activity. More to come on this in the next installment of the blog!

    Check In Questions for the week:

    As promised, I will be sharing 6 questions for you to consider for your weekly asynchronous check-ins with students. The first two are a nice fit for our focus on gratitude.

    1. Describe something that you do often that makes you happy and why.

    2. Name someone you know who makes your life better and why.

    3. What are three words that describe you best?

    4. What five things would you take with you during the zombie apocalypse and why?

    5. Did you have any bad days this week? What did you do to make yourself feel better?

    6. What was your best accomplishment this week?

    As always, please let me know if I can support you in any way...




    Tasks/Point people 

    Upcoming Dates 


    • Updated Drill Dates 

      • 11/23 8:30 ( 5 minutes)  

      • 11/24 8:30 ( 5 minutes) 

    • Change of schedule for next week:

      • 11/23 - Black cohort day

      • 11/24 - Gold cohort day 

    • Picture day make up times

      • 12/10 & 12/11 Gold Cohort 

    Meg and Laurie, Duane


    Staff meeting 

    Objective:  Continuing to identify how we foster our own resilience.

    Zoom Information:  

    Meeting ID: 858 1626 1603

    Passcode: 9M1Hus

    Great news - we have been able to pre-book break out rooms for our staff meetings in order to provide consistent ally groups moving forward.  In order fro this to work please 

    • log in to the Zoom App first making sure to use a Zoom account with their school email. .

    • use the Meeting ID and Passcode above to join the meeting NOT the link.

    • use a mac or PC to join the meeting

    Harkness - how we can continue to connect and encourage dialogue during this time. 

    Harkness Circles are allowed..  

    Classroom furniture may be configured  so that students can sit in a circle, but  students need to be 6 feet apart at all times. There is no  “15 minute limit”  for student conversations, as classrooms are “contract- traceable” units.  Kate, Ryan and Chris Urban have been experimenting!

    Please see here for more suggestions and resources.

    Tech Updates

    When communicating with Tech support please use for any questions/inquiries and for a specific tech request use this form.

    Do not email any of us individually a tech question or request.

    Taggert Haslam

    Justin Griffith

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