Friday, November 13, 2020

Harwood Staff Blog update, November 13, 2020

Before you go any further - watch this.
Unfortunately, right now - no amount of screaming will make us feel better.

So, instead of screaming, identify what  YOU can do to support yourself,

your family

and our community

in remaining safe and well during this time.  

Because the unknown surrounding us is unsettling.

The response of some feels difficult and overwhelming.

And, the decisions made might feel frustrating

and hard but we have no control over any of that.

With this sentiment in mind we are continuing to evaluate what needs to be prioritized:

  1. Our Safety and Wellness 

  2. Readying for when/if we need to go fully remote

  3. Wrapping up Quarter 1 and beginning quarter 2

With gratitude, patience, love and in vigilance,

Duane, Laurie and Meg

The November kindness calendar encourages us to share our gratitudes today - so to that end we wanted to share our thanks with: 

  • Special educators - who contort themselves continuously to meet the needs of our most vulnerable students.  

  • Food Service and Maintenance Staff - for ability to “pivot” on a moment’s notice and provide excellent services for our staff and students - for the change in schedule, instant meals! - snow removal, wellness center prep, heating the building etc..

  • Nancy and Shannon - for their hard work to logisticize picture days this year.

  • Alex Rawson - for his ongoing enthusiasm and dedication to creating space for our staff to enjoy and support each other during these times

  • Sally McCarthy - for your thoughtful, proactive and collaborative communication

  • Wendy Rand - for your deep commitment to your students and your creative problem solving.

Next week (November 16) marks the Opening of the Wellness Center for Staff

In the spirit of filling your own resilience cup, please come take a break for yourself in the new Harwood Wellness Center! We are excited to offer this to staff before sharing this new resource with students on the anticipated student opening date of December 3. 

The space is for staff drop-in’s all day throughout the week except during TA (no need to sign up at a specific time). Come as many times as you would like and check out the menu of centering activities.

Just as it will be with students, we ask you to keep your visits to 15 minutes and follow other guidelines of the space (ie: no tech). The space will be staffed most of the week but it will be open even if I’m not there.  We ask that you sign in AND sign out using the red-cased iPad by the door. We need your sign-in info for several reasons (including contact tracing) but the most fun reason is that we will enter those of you who visit in a raffle for something spectacular - (the blog master is working on this behind the scenes).  

Bring your mug to fill up with coffee, tea or other hot beverages (this week only). There is sanitizing equipment throughout the Wellness Center, please wipe down and clean spaces/equipment as you depart. 

Finally, the Youth Enriching Wellness leaders (YEWS) would love to have Harwood teachers and staff leave an imprint on the space. Please consider painting a gratitude flag/banner with anything (word, symbol, image) that you are grateful for. Supplies will be on the counter. 

Please do reach out to me with questions especially if I’m not there when you drop in. 

Take good care, 


PS- if you ordered sweet potatoes through our HOM@HOME program they will be in and ready for pick up in the Wellness Center starting Tuesday. Paul Kramer and I will send out further details about sending us an image and description of your dish.




Tasks/Point people 

ELO Communication/Readiness for our students

Please review these TA expectations with students starting Monday 11/16.

  • Students are asked to book themselves for at least 1-2 ELO blocks for each Wednesday.

  • Students ARE required to attend when they are booked or sign up for an ELO.

  • Students will demonstrate their engagement as they would during in-person class.  That is, they will be visibly present and contribute to the work of the day.  

Laurie, Duane and Meg

Upcoming Dates 

  • Monday, 11/16 - Start of Q2

  • Updated Drill Dates 

    • 11/17 8:30 (for 5 minutes)  

    • 11/20 8:30 (for 5 minutes) 

  • 11/17 - 3-6 p.m. Conferences 

  • 11/18 - No staff meeting.  Time for teachers to write end of quarter comments.

  • 11/23 - Black cohort day

    • MAP assessment day 

  • 11/24 - Gold cohort day 

    • MAP assessment day 

Meg and Laurie, Duane

Google Classroom

Please double check that you have invited Meg, Laurie, Duane and Shannon T. to your google classrooms - so that we are able to see the wonderful work you are doing in your classrooms.

Laurie, Meg and Duane

Schedule updates 

We apologize - our short term schedule used this week is NOT what we’ll use moving forward.  

Please find the short term online schedule; snow schedule and full remote schedule for Harwood Middle/High school here.

Nov 23, 24 /Dec 21, 22 Schedule 

Please note: - MAP testing will happen in buddy pairs.

Duane, Meg and Laurie 

Tech Updates

When communicating with Tech support please use for any questions/inquiries and for a specific tech request use this form.

Do not email any of us individually a tech question or request.

Taggert Haslam

Justin Griffith

Tech Learning Tip 

Tip of the Week:

We know many of us are still challenged by students who prefer to leave their cameras off in our online meetings. This article found its way to my inbox this week, so we thought we would share it with all of you!

Strategies to Encourage Students to Leave Their Cameras On ( 




Tasks/Point people 

Close contact definition 

Close contact = closer than 6 ft distance for 15 minutes or longer within a 24 hour period.

Thanksgiving plans 

If you are planning to travel out of state for the upcoming Holidays please reach out to let us know and complete ReadySub so we can plan for substitutes accordingly.  This proactive communication will help us ensure we’re proactively ready for our return from break.  Thank you!  


COVID testing sites 

Testing sites can be found on the Vermont Department of health’s website. Pre-registration is recommended.

Amanda & Tracy

Quarter 1 and 2 updates

  • Quarter 1 officially ends today.

  • Please ensure comments and grades are closed and ready to “publish” by 11/19.

  • Quarter 2 officially begins on Monday 11/16.

Please follow these instructions to finalize scores in JumpRope.

MAP test readiness - please complete training here

Please find the training video to proctor the MAP test on 11/23 and 11/24 here.

Note: We will be using the “test my class” method.

Curtis, Lisa T. and Meg

ELO expectations 

As we start Q2 we need to continue to increase our effective use of ELO time to meet the needs of all our students.  The Teaching and Learning team as well as the Dep’t heads have crafted logistics and expectations for ELO.

Please review these expectations for how to support ELO in TA and teacher expectations for ELO time on Wed. here.

Curtis and Lisa T.

Q2 lunch assignments

Please find lunch assignments for Q2 here. (make sure you click on the Quarter 2 tab)

As a reminder, for classes with lunch 1, the classroom teacher should take attendance before dismissing students to get lunch.

Duane and Lisa T. 




Tasks/Point people 

Important reminder and notice!   

During lunch:

  • The administration is asking that all students eat lunch in their designated classrooms where distancing and clear mask guidelines can be clearly monitored and followed.  Given the upcoming winter months this is a good time to practice these important safety measures. 

  • masks should only be off while eating

  • 6 foot distancing must be maintained

  • students should remain seated and faced in one direction

*Staff should also follow the same expectations.

Please see here to refresh your ECHO expectations.

Meg, Duane and Laurie 

Hallway distancing reminder for TA

TA teachers - please remind your students throughout next week that:

  • While walking in the halls 6 foot distancing must be maintained.

  • Close contact = closer than 6 ft distance for 15 minutes or longer within a 24 hour period.

Meg, Duane and Laurie 

Reminders from our health office 

A face mask or covering must be worn properly to be effective and avoid the spread of germs: 


• Wash your hands before putting it on. 

Be sure your mouth and nose are covered. 

• Hook loops around your ears or tie it snugly. 

• Do not touch it or pull it down while in public. 

• Remove it without touching your eyes, nose or mouth, then wash your hands immediately.

Call the nurse’s office if you or a student are in need of a properly fitted mask.

Amanda & Tracy

Our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19

District protocols are in place to protect staff, children, and their families from the spread of COVID-19, and a response plan in place for when a student, teacher, or staff member tests positive for COVID-19. 

Our district COVID Coordinator, school nurses, administration and Superintendent are monitoring COVID-19 data in our school and community to make safe, informed decisions. Data is reviewed daily on staff and student screenings, attendance, dismissals, absenteeism, and health office visits. 

Confidence: While school is closed for the remainder of the week the building will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and be ready for your safe return to the building. 

Take control: 

  • Maintaining a 6 foot distance between you and others

  • Wearing a properly fitted cloth face mask protects you and others, and helps prevent the spread of COVID-19 

  • Washing your hands often 

  • Cleaning frequently touched surfaces

Self Care:          

  • Respect your emotions but control where you put your energy and    

              attention. Take time to unplug from                  

              technology and the news. 

  • Connect with the Employee Assistance Program. This confidential service can offer you resources and services to support your mental health.  

  • The Employee Assistance Program offers free help and support for you and the members of your household for a wide range of situations. More information can be obtained at INVEST EAP (888) 834-2830 (available 24/7) 

  • Website: Invest EAP Password: vteap

Amanda & Tracy

Essential Reminder

It is very important to keep all seating charts up to date (daily).  This is an essential document for tracing  


Gazebo reminder

Please remember that the Gazebo has been reserved for the music department because COVID guidelines mean music can only be made outside.   That said, we encourage everyone to continue to take classes outside for mask breaks or when able for learning time.  Please just find a different space than the Gazebo.

Duane, Meg and Laurie

High School TA plans for the coming week

Asynchronous Check in process-

Thank you to the staff who provided feedback regarding the asynchronous check in process. The information provided was very helpful. The Student Wellness Team met this week to review the feedback. We are hoping that the new process will help address some of your concerns and provide the necessary resources to help you in the check in process. Many people shared that time is definitely a factor for them. Decreasing the expectation to one contact per week/per cohort will hopefully be one piece to streamline the process. We also heard that people prefer other strategies for making this contact with several folks using a scheduled email with questions as a preferred method. Finally, there is concern about engagement/relevance with a request for resources for questions that can spark responses. To that end I have gathered several resources to support creative questions for your check in. Each week, in the blog, I will now add 5-6 possible questions to ask for people who don’t have time to review the resources. 

The check in Process should consist of 3 Elements:

  1. A communication with questions that allow you to truly check in with students in an engaging and supportive way

 Possible Strategies:

~Scheduled email (allows for the option for   students to reply to each other as well as a quick reply from you)

~Google Form 

~The Question Feature in Google Classroom (Also allows for student and teacher comments and can be scheduled as well)

  1. A review on Tuesday and Friday of the results to determine which students might need follow up or referral to student support.


  1. A follow up of some type with students who don’t follow through or share concerns. It is encouraged that we also follow up to celebrate student successes as well. Possible strategies include:

  • In TA on the next synchronous day (if not an urgent concern) if you have the space to speak confidentially with the student

  • An email to the student 

  • Set up a zoom meeting with the student

Finally, I spent a little time in the “google-sphere” and found some great resources for check in questions to ask as well as other strategies to connect remotely with students that I compiled into this document. As the first blog installment here are 6 possible questions to consider for your check in:

~How would you describe the last two days? ~What has gone well? What could be better?

~Would you rather the beach or a mountain? Why?

~What do you look forward to when you wake up?

~If you could teach our advisory something, what would you teach?

~Would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for? If not, why not?

~If you could have one song play when you enter a room, what would it be and why?

We know that this process can be time consuming in your very busy schedules. We also know that some of our students are struggling and feel isolated. Check-in is one strategy we can use to potentially connect with a student who needs support. Thank you for your dedication to your advisory students.

Meg and Laurie 

Making deposits into our “Resilience Bank Account”

Continue to check out the November Happiness calendar here as one way of doing that.  

Mandatory reporting Reminder

A mental health crisis can happen at any time for anyone. With the additional impact of COVID,  shorter daylight hours and changing weather we want to remind us all that we are mandated reporters.  Please find our reporting procedure here.

Sunshine Committee

We’re looking for:

  • Staff who would like to join the Sunshine Committee.  This group will identify when/if different staff need a little TLC and use funds accordingly.

  • Contributions to our new sunshine fund.  If you’re interested please give cash or checks (paid out to Harwood Union High School) to Shannon T.


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