Friday, November 6, 2020

Harwood Staff Blog update, November 6, 2020

Crazy weather during a Crazy time…  But no one is complaining - other than Eric

Harwood Team;

In Brene Brown’s November 4, 2020 Unlocking Us podcast “On Strong Backs, Soft Fronts and Wild Hearts” she recounts a story - at minute 2:40 - that reinforces the importance of our work during staff meeting this week.  She shares an interaction with Joan Halifax, a buddhist teacher who responded to Brown’s comment “I’m wiped but I guess it’s off to the meet and greet”  that stemmed from her feelings of guilt in saying no.  

In response she says:  “I’m not going to the meet and greet.  I’m going to my room to rest for tonight.  Why don’t you do the same...  Tonight we will exhale and teach.  Now it’s time to inhale.  There is the inbreath and there is the outbreath and it’s easy to believe that we must exhale all the time without ever inhaling but the inhale is absolutely essential if you want to continue to exhale.” 

Creating boundaries - prioritizing the time for inhaling - allows for true connection.  And ultimately, as educators that is our goal - to ensure our students feel safe - seen, heard, respected and understood because only then can they learn. 

If you want an example of a physical boundary -- visit the "Moretown Wall" being built to separate the Mead's highland castle from the wet land minions (Piersons) - or better yet set your own boundaries this weekend and take time to care for yourself.

In partnership -

Duane, Laurie and Meg




Tasks/Point people 

If you have more more questions please add to our Q&A 

We’re working hard to answer your questions - keep adding as more come up to Harwood MS/HS Q&A.  

Laurie, Meg and Duane

Picture day logistics 

TO DO:  Please review picture logistics for next week here.  

Nancy and Shannon 

Thanksgiving plans 

If you are planning to travel out of state for the upcoming Holidays please reach out to let us know and complete ReadySub so we can plan for substitutes accordingly.  This proactive communication will help us ensure we’re proactively ready for our return from break.  Thank you!  


School Closure 

With increased COVID cases and the holidays there is potential for more staff absences.  At this time, after discussion with HEA (Harwood Education Association) the district plan is to use all substitutes available and then use staff with available blocks to fill the rest of any potential needs.  Staff who sub will receive pay and in these short notice situations will be asked to supervise the block as a study hall.  

Absentee Protocol for Teachers and Students

We know that we will have additional absences this year due to the pandemic. These absences will occur for both for sickness and quarantining.

Absentee Protocol for Teachers

Teachers are responsible for:

  • responding within 24 hours to a student's email.

  • keeping Google classroom up to date; which allows students to see assignments they need if not in class.

  • reviewing the needs of individual students and assigning them to ELO accordingly.

  • communicating with the student if they are absent for more than three days and scheduling a meeting to see how they can best support the student.

Absentee Protocol for Students

Students are responsible for:

  • sending an email to all their teachers when they are absent.

  • communicating if they know they will be out multiple days they will let the teacher know and update as needed

  • checking google classroom to see what they need to complete

  • completing asynchronous assignments

  • signing up for an ELO to work with their teacher

  • communicating with teachers if absent for more than three days to discuss what they need to complete to keep up with classroom expectations.




Tasks/Point people 

Attendance procedures 

Here is a synthesis of our attendance procedures as an ongoing reminder to us all of how we ensure the safety of our students and that they are seen daily.

Mel, Meg and Laurie

Safety drill reminder

We will hold our first “Instructional” Fire Alarm Activated Drill on November 16 (Black Cohort) and November 19 (Gold Cohort) at 8:30am.  The drill will be announced by Nancy and will last for 5 minutes when Nancy will announce its end.  Duane will send out a question/discussion guide for this drill.  PLEASE do not exit the building - there will not be an alarm!  


ECHO reminder 

Please take a moment to review our ECHO standards from the beginning of the year.  As we head into Winter with rising COVID cases around us, it is important to remind students and yourself about our safety expectations.  


Reminders from the Health office 

What are you planning for the holidays this year? It’s hard to imagine breaking with tradition and celebrating at home, but that is what a lot of Vermont families are deciding to do in 2020. Travel does increase your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19, and the way you celebrate this year will have an impact on your family, community, and Vermont. Consider the level of risk you are willing to take and make plans to safely gather with loved ones or think creatively about how to connect remotely. Don’t make plans to travel or gather until you take these steps:  


1. Check the map to find out the risk of COVID-19 infection at your destination,  

2. Decide if the risk is worth it for your family,  

3. Plan to have a safe trip or gathering, remain flexible and get your flu shot and  

4. Quarantine when you return. 


More information can be found on the Health Department website and you can email with questions. 

Amanda Badgley


Tracy Taylor

Harwood Trails and The Living Tree Alliance 

If you'd like to take your class on the Harwood trails or to the Living Tree Alliance, you will need to complete a field trip request form. No other class trips are allowed at this time.


As a reminder, this needs to be submitted no later than ten days before your trip. Family ID is only required when visiting The Living Tree Alliance.


If you have any questions, please reach out to Shannon or the nurse's office.

Amanda, Tracy and Shannon

Cyber security reminder

In order to maintain security and safety – please ensure that you look carefully at emails before opening them and do NOT open emails from those you don’t know.

Taggert Haslam

Phil Hayes (Central Office)

High School TA plans for the coming week

Preparing for November Conferences

Our work in supporting students to prepare for conferences continues during the week of 11/9 with our first groups meeting on 11/12. Thank you to the lead TA teachers who have provided the resources needed for this process and to all of you for supporting your students to reflect on this year so far. If you have any questions or need any support please feel free to reach out to me. I am really happy to help!

Coming soon…

Gratitude activities! Feel free to share your ideas with me!

Tip of the Week

Zoom meeting chat idea: When seeking a reply from students in the chat try using the “waterfall process”.

Have students write their replies and wait to send when you cue them. This is a great way to get students to share their thoughts without the pressure of other people’s comments. 

Ellen Berrings  

TA Conference Letter and Schedule

By now, you all should have emailed the conference letter and sign up form to your families and started scheduling conferences next week. If you have not heard from a parent by Monday, please reach out by phone to arrange for a meeting. If you are unable to schedule a meeting with the parent please set up a time with your student to review the goal and their conference planning document. Consider inviting the student's school counselor or another trusted adult. 

Making deposits into our “Resilience Bank Account”

As Tara shared yesterday - we want to encourage everyone to prioritize your self care.  Continue to check out the November Happiness calendar here as one way of doing that.  Today - it encourages us to find a way to be social (in a safe way - an online chat with family and friends you can’t see in person or a physical distance gathering with local friends.  The warm weather certainly encourages that option tonight ;)  Another option is to stop by the Gallus Gallus Domesticus for a cozy snack to enjoy the autumn weather (or bring something to the master blogger as tribute to the almightly Blog)

Mandatory reporting Reminder

A mental health crisis can happen at any time for anyone. With the additional impact of COVID,  shorter daylight hours and changing weather we want to remind us all that we are mandated reporters.  Please find our reporting procedure here.

Continuing our work to support ALL our students

This great article supports us in considering How Teachers Can Help Students With Special Needs Navigate Distance Learning  

Sunshine Committee

We’re looking for:

  • Staff who would like to join the Sunshine Committee.  This group will identify when/if different staff need a little TLC and use funds accordingly.

  • Contributions to our new sunshine fund.  If you’re interested please give cash or checks (paid out to Harwood Unified Union School District) to Shannon T.





Tasks/Point people 

Upcoming Dates 

  • 11/12 - 3-6 p.m. Conferences 

  • 11/13 - end of Q1

  • 11/16 - start of Q2

  • 11/17 - 3-6 p.m. Conferences 

  • 11/18 - No staff meeting.  Time for teachers to write end of quarter comments.

  • 11/23 - Black cohort day

    • Possible MAP assessment day 

  • 11/24 - Gold cohort day 

    • Possible MAP assessment day 

Meg and Laurie, Duane

Schedule updates 


Short, Long Term, Snow School Schedules


  1. Schedule Link:  

Harwood Schedules - please review  

    1. Short and Long Term HU schedule

    2. Snow Day (weather event schedule) 

  1. Nov 23, 24, Dec 21, 22 Schedule 

    1. LINK: Nov 23, 24 /Dec 21, 22 Schedule 

Duane, Meg and Laurie 

11/11 Staff Meeting 3 - 4 p.m.  

This session (like all Rebecca sessions) is for all teachers, special educators, and support staff who work with students in classrooms.




Racism and the Implications for All of Us - In this session, participants will locate themselves in the conversation about race and racism in the U.S., reflect on our own social positionality, and critically examine our impact on those we serve. Participants will gain an understanding of the impact of racial trauma on students of color and begin to envision what racial justice looks like in our schools and learning spaces.

Meg and Tom Drake 

Call all Contribute to Assembly 

Your assembly crew hopes to gather more segments featuring the awesome things going on in and around the Harwood community for our upcoming shows. Our mission is to celebrate student achievement in the Arts, Athletics, and Academics and we know there is a lot of great stuff happening out there. Since we can't all be together, these monthly shows are a perfect opportunity to come together and see what everyone is up to, do a little bragging, and celebrate that Highlander Pride! 

If you have a segment idea please fill out THIS SHORT FORM.   You can just be the brains behind the segment, contributor to the segment, or take on the entire video project yourself.

Grant Opportunity 

North Country is offering a grant opportunity for resources that create an environment that fosters learning and enhances classroom curriculum.  Please see here for more details and the application page 2.  

Tech Updates

When communicating with Tech support please use for any questions/inquiries and for a specific tech request use this form.

Do not email any of us individually a tech question or request.

Taggert Haslam

Justin Griffith

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