Friday, December 11, 2020

Harwood Staff Blog update, December 11, 2020

Shannon T’s son Theo thinking about snow… he doesn’t like snow -

but I think we all could use a healthy dose of the white stuff!

Team Harwood;

With 11 days left before break - the darkest days of the year are upon us in addition to the continued stress of the Pandemic only made more challenging by the current prohibition of multi-family gatherings.

And so, let us continue to identify how we prioritize our own wellness by considering ways to find JOY by doing activities without “purpose”.  

  • Laurie just finished her Snoopy puzzle.

  • Meg is watching the new Apple TV series Ted Lasso.

  • Duane continues to ponder life's existence within the greater universe- especially the spooky action of electrons.   

  • Shannon T started painting again while listening to Bon Iver... 

What are you doing? 

And, while at school let us continue to prioritize relationships and connections knowing they matter more than ever.  We can do this by:
  • Maintaining sacred use of TA to check in with students, play and laugh. 

  • Maintaining predictable classroom routines.

  • Contributing to our gratitude buckets

  • Visiting the Wellness Center 

  • Following up on Wellness checks as necessary

  • Reach out to families if you are concerned and have reason to feel a student is struggling

  • Communicate the importance of focus and the continuation of high expectations over the next two weeks.

  • Complete SST referral if a student is struggling and you’ve already tried all the tools in your toolbox.

Weekly gratitudes and care:

  • Nancy for her organization and facilitation of Picture days for the Gold Cohort 

  • Alex for his continued enthusiasm and facilitation of Friday Coffee gatherings

  • Liz for her responsiveness to TA announcements and putting them on a 7a.m. boomerang to put them at the top of your email each morning

  • Rick, Bean, Cullen, Alex, Kendall, John, Quent, and Ray or their continued work in cleaning and preparing ours school each day.  Further appreciation for their work in keeping the woodchip fires burning.  

  • Rick, Ray and Duane for coming in late at night to ensure the boiler was working. NOTE: Duane cut down a large Poplar tree (with his bare hands) quartered the tree then utilized an ancient tree chipping technique to supply our hungry furnace.  

  • John Dubuc for the wrangling the middle school lunch squad.

  • Eric for his mostly innovative thinking.

  • Justin for his constant monitoring and updating all of our web tools.

  • Taggert for making sure we have the equipment we need to do what we do. 

  • Curtis for making sure the data is ready to do our work -in all of its forms. 

Take care of yourself this weekend,

Laurie, Duane and Meg




Tasks/Point people 

Anticipated Holiday Travel

The Governor has directed that we continue to follow executive orders and refrain from travel out of state, gathering with others, and hosting guests. As we continue to prioritize the safety and wellness of our community and ensure readiness to staff the building after break we are asking you to reach out to your administrators to let us know if you will be unable to return to work after break due to COVID related return to work requirements.As we continue to respect and support each other as a team, we recognize that staff may need to make these decisions based on personal situations. Our goal in communicating is to plan for staffing and your safe return to work. 

Attendance reminders

  1. All teachers 7-12 should be able to use P to mark students present in powerschool as we move forward. *this should NOW be working for everyone.

  2. Students who are asynchronous should be left blank in powerschool when taking attendance.

  3. Wellness check for asynchronous students (instructions).

Meg, Laurie and Duane 

 Continuing out Racial Equity  Work together:

 All Staff Dialogue during staff meeting Wednesday  Dec 16

This week we will continue to deepen our conversations with one another  to reflect on our own identity and biases in order to create a community where all feel safe - seen, heard, respected and understood.

 Prior to the staff meeting, please print out the following text, “Race - The Power of an Illusion  |  An Interview with Alan Goodman” . Read and annotate  this short piece in preparation for  discussion in small groups.Print this off and have it in front of  you for our dialogue.We will gather together in the same small groups that we  joined in our August dialogue.

  In our small groups, we will discuss the following questions:

  1. What does race mean to you?  Is race an important part of your identity on a daily basis?- 

  2. When are you most conscious of your race or others - share a specific example of when you were most conscious.

  3. Please share an example from your life when you have felt left out or disrespected and it was very important. 

Here are the norms that we will use for our discussion, and we will go over them at the beginning of our time together:

  1. Stay engaged: Staying engaged means “remaining morally, emotionally, intellectually, and socially involved in the dialogue” (p.59)

  1. Experience discomfort:  This norm acknowledges that discomfort is inevitable, especially, in dialogue about race, and that participants make a commitment to bring issues into the open.  It is not talking about these issues that create divisiveness.  The divisiveness already exists in the society and in our schools.  It is through dialogue, even when uncomfortable, the healing and change begin.

  1. Speak your truth:  This means being open about thoughts and feelings and not just saying what you think others want to hear.

  1. Expect and accept nonclosure:  This agreement asks participants to “hang out in uncertainty” and not rush to quick solutions, especially in relation to racial understanding, which requires ongoing dialogue. 

  1. Share stories and concepts, not details, names, or references to our local systems. Note specific requests around confidentiality when needed.




Tasks/Point people 

Reminder about celebrations with students

As it is the holiday season in many ways, please remember that we support celebrations of gratitude and achievement for all students.  It is important to note that given our state guidelines that food should NOT be a part of these events.   This includes bringing in hand-made food or using food as a activity or holding celebrations where students are sharing food of any sort.  Thanks for your vigilance in keeping us all safe.  


Reminders from our health office 

If you plan to go against the Governor’s latest executive orders over December break and plan to gather with others, host travelers in your home or travel out of state it is your responsibility as a staff member to discuss your return to work plan with your administrators so they have a clear picture of staffing needs after break.The school nurses can offer guidance on the requirements you must follow to safely return to work.

One thing that we can — and should be doing right now — is be kind and compassionate to ourselves and others. Prioritize being someone who makes others feel better, not worse. Everyone is going to have different comfort levels and opinions associated with COVID specific behavior and activities. The bottom line: it’s easy to assume the worst in other people. It takes more work to try to see the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt. We never truly know what others are experiencing in their personal lives. 

If you find yourself having strong emotions about what others are doing or not doing during the pandemic, hit the pause button and avoid making assumptions and passing judgement.

It can be helpful to make a list of what you can and can’t control. 

Now more than ever, we need to support  each other because we’re all in it together.

Amanda & Tracy

High School TA plans for the coming week

"Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary." ~ Margaret Cousins

The Gratitude Bucket Challenge Week Two!

The Challenge: To fill the buckets by December 18th

The twist...can faculty and staff fill our bucket before the students? 

Please keep those messages coming. Let’s go faculty and staff!!! As the quote above reminds us; our gratitude can change someone else’s day or even life! As a reminder; if your appreciation is for a person or group at Harwood and you want it delivered, please write “please deliver” on the message.

Cool Tech Tip-Courtesy of the amazing Genevieve Knight

I shared this idea with the 12th grade advisory teachers this week. Here it is for everyone else…

This week Genevieve introduced our group to a fun interactive problem solving game site. ( We used it during our Wednesday zoom session (splitting into breakout rooms to solve pieces of the puzzle) but it would also work in person by projecting onto a screen. It was a great way to spark our brains at the start of the day! Thanks Genevieve for being such a great resource for creative digital ideas!

Genevieve has purchased two accounts so feel free to contact her for the account access information. 

Questions of the Week for Asynchronous Wellness Check in:

  1. If you could invent something that would make life easier for people, what would you invent?

  2. Of all the things you are learning, what do you think will be the most useful when you are an adult?

  3. What skills have been most important this week?

  4. This week: What was your peak? What was your valley?

  5. What are you doing to connect with others?

  6. What are you learning about yourself this year? 


Friendly reminder - please do not send out surveys from anyone without administrator approval 

In order to maintain strong communication and avoid uncomfortable or unintentional consequences please seek administrator approval for any surveys before sending out.  See here for the why behind this reminder. 




Tasks/Point people 

All Middle School Staff

Beginning Monday, December 14,  please mark students present in classes with a P  if there are in fact present.  Not more or less present - but really there :)   

Duane P.  

Upcoming Dates 


  • SCHEDULE CHANGE - Similar to before Thanksgiving break we are changing cohort days so we will see both groups of students before leaving for December break.

    • 12/21 - Black cohort

    • 12/22 - Gold cohort 

  • 12/23 - 01/03 - December Vacation - NO School

  • 1/29 - Last day of Semester 1/Quarter 2 

Meg and Laurie, Duane

Mid-Quarter - Progress Reports

Progress Reports will be emailed home at the mid-point of Quarter 2, next Friday, 12/18.

The note sent with the reports will clearly state that current scores are a snapshot and will continue to change.

Please check JumpRope so that:

  • Scores are as up to date as possible

  • Course Comments are relevant

    • Some may need to be deleted

    • Some may need an addition

    • Some may stay the same

If you are concerned that a student may not complete your course, please use the following comment.  Feel free to add more details.

“At this point in time [name] is at risk of not meeting course expectations.”

Eric Larose Update

Please be aware that Eric is taking on the role of 504 coordinator at this time.  Huge thanks to him for jumping in the deep end as always.  


Staff meeting 

Objective:  To challenge us to continue to reflect on our own identity and bias’ in order to create a community where all feel safe - seen, heard, respected and understood. 

Prior to the staff meeting, please print out the following text, Race - The Power of an Illusion  |  An Interview with Alan Goodman” . Read and annotate  this short piece in preparation for  discussion in small groups.Print this off and have it in front of  you for our dialogue.We will gather together in the same small groups that we  joined in our August dialogue.

 In our small groups, we will discuss the following questions:

  1. What does race mean to you?  Is race an important part of your identity on a daily basis?- 

  2. When are you most conscious of your race or others - share a specific example of when you were most conscious.

  3. Please share an example from your life when you have felt left out or disrespected and it was very important.

Running Agenda

Zoom Information:  

Meeting ID: 858 1626 1603

Passcode: 9M1Hus

Got questions - need answers?

Join our weekly Monday Q&A zoom drop in.

Join Zoom Meeting

ID: 81251869599

Password: JKAta7Fg5D

‪(US) +1 346-248-7799‬

Passcode: 8719227514

Passcode: JKAta7Fg5D

Tech Updates

If you are interested in displaying content on our monitors, located in the main lobby, MS entrance and by the HS gym, contact and we can help with that.

(i.e. Powerpoint, message, pictures, student work)

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