Thursday, June 1, 2023

Staff Blog Update- June 1, 2023

Team -

Last week, during the Student Fishbowl we were called in.  This week, everyone responded to the call with thoughtful reflection. 

Here are some of the trends in our ideas we can both respond to individually and collectively.

  • Increase the use of METICs in classrooms across the school (i.e. feedback from students that can be acknowledged and responded to during the year).

  • Continue to clarify expectations and consistently follow them across the school and in our own classrooms.

  • Be transparent and strengthen communication with students about our responses to feedback and clarity around decisions.

  • Start classes with connections.  

  • Increase opportunities for choice in both activities and content when appropriate.

See all our responses here.

The work of calling in our students and continuing the partnership to empower them continues - with gratitude,

Meg, Duane and Laurie  


  • 06/06 - Music Dept. High School Awards - 3:45 - 5pm

  • 06/06 - Music Department Senior Showcase - 5 - 6pm 

  • 06/06 - Harwood Middle/High School Art Show - 6 - 8pm

  • 6/06 - Mentor Field Trip (Part 1)

    • Depart Harwood @ 10:15am for 11 am arrival

    • Departure @ 1:00pm Arrival @ Harwood @ 1:45

  • 06/07 - Senior Field Trip 

  • 06/08 - 8th grade Spirit of Ethen Allen

  • 6/08 - Mentor Field Trip (Part 2)

    • Depart Harwood @ 10:15am for 11 am arrival

    • (Senior final assembly is at 1:35pm) so DEPARTURE: at 12:40pm - Arriving at Harwood @ 1:25pm

  • 06/08 - Final Assembly 1:35 p.m.

  • 06/08 - Senior Awards Night - 6pm

  • 06/09 - Middle School day of service 

  • LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL (grades 7-11):

Monday 6/12

Tuesday 6/13

Wednesday 6/14

Thursday 6/15

Gold Day 

Black Day 

Gold Day 

High School Modified Black Day 

8:40 - 8:50 TA

8:55 - 10:00 Awards Assembly

10:05 - 10:50 Block 5

10:55 - 11:40 Block 6

11:45 - 12:30 Block 7

12:30 lunch to go/dismissal!

Middle School Modified Black Day 

8:40 - 9:00 TA

9:00 - 10:00 Team game rotation

10:05 - 10:50 Specials C

10:55 - 12:00 Core

12:00 lunch in the MS

12:30 dismissal!


Staff Member



For his amazing posts throughout Spirit week and how responsive he is to every suggestion as well as being a step ahead of us all!

Tara Kelley 

For her Ted Lasso theme idea!

Ellen Berrings and Jen D. 

For all the behind-the-scenes work to make a successful step-up for our rising 9th graders!

Danielle Lillard

For her masterful logistics, making sure all classes are covered while April is out.

Safe - seen, heard, respected & understood:



Bond Process Informational staff meeting 

If you are interested in discussing the process ahead and sharing your thoughts regarding the Bond work - join Mike, Meg and Laurie for an informal discussion.  

When: Monday 06/19 @3:00 

Where:  Harwood Library 

Student Support Services

Health Office Updates

INDOOR Brain Break Activities ARE HERE: Folks, we heard a desire to have more resources for brain breaks. We are able to respond to that starting Monday, and will continue to refine our system for this as we move to Fall. 

  1. Please see the LINK HERE for Brain Break activities from Middle School Responsive Classroom. Though developed for middle school, many are generalizable regardless of age. 

  1. Indoor activities: Please sign out your items and return them. We only have so much. There is a form (see digital copy) located in the room behind the library counter. 

  • Bingo

  • Card Games: Monopoly Deal; Jeopardy;  Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizz

  • Indoor mini Can Jam

  • Indoor Table Ping Pong

  • Brain Puzzle Books (various developmental levels)

  • Puzzles (various developmental levels)

  • Coloring and Drawing Supplies - Feel free to KEEP a couple coloring books in your classroom as we have a good amount

We also have outdoor regulation activities placed out each morning. No need to sign up, or set up. They are ready. Behind the library/high school wing.

If you have suggestions for next year - indoor and outdoor regulation activities, please don’t hesitate to let Melody know so we can add it to our list. 

TA update

Appreciation (in advance) To the rising freshman TA teachers (and Maggie and Randy for stepping in to be with a TA group) for your effort during the 9th Grade Transition Day! Also a shout out to the Assembly crew for the start of the visit! Finally for the juniors who helped to organize and facilitate the day!

Next Week! For 9-11th grade students-Next year’s schedules are almost ready to distribute. Stay tuned for an email letting you know the specific day (they are aiming for Monday…).

Finish Line Focus - Academics!!!! Be sure to check in with your students to stay on track for the next two weeks!


Rigorous & Robust Academic Program:



Staff Meeting 


  • To meet as a Department to:

    • tune the Family/Guardian connection proposal drafted by the Department heads 

    • reflect on our use of Learning expectations 

    • prepare for the awards ceremony

Staff Meeting Calendar 

Where: Department head’s will reach out with a location

When: 3:30 - 4:30 

Staff Meeting Agenda

Schedule for next year 

Great news - Lisa Therrien is truly a miracle worker.

Your teaching schedule for 2023-2024 will be coming your way next week - get excited 

June 15th - 23rd final inservice plan 

Research shows that students are more likely to make a post-high school plan after visiting the campus of a post-high school option.  Counseling and Next Step collaborated to provide 6 field trips this spring and 47% of the Junior class participated! 

Thanks to all of the HU staff for connecting with students and encouraging them to attend one of the following trips:  Norwich University for the college fair, VTC for Try a Major Day, CCV with a focus on Early Childhood Education, UVM for a college tour, St Michael's College for College and Career Pathways Event and the Welding Institute for info on a career as a welder.  



Senior Grades

Graduation is just around the corner! A reminder of the senior grade timeline:

Thursday June 8th: Senior grades due by END OF SCHOOL DAY 

(please continue communicating with students of concern, their families, and school counselors, and booking ELOs)

Friday June 9th: Last day of school for seniors (NO ELOS for seniors as Marching practice will be 1:30 - 3:20)

Saturday June 10th: Graduation!

All other non-senior grades will be due by 3:30 on Monday 6/19.

Here is the JumpRope grading slideshow - please go through this slide-by-slide while completing your grades in JumpRope!

Positive school climate and culture:



Hiring Update


  • Paraeducator - Clarke Haywood 

Offers out: 

  • 1 year Spanish Teacher 

  • 1 FTE. Spanish Teacher

  • Para Educators (1)

Posted positions still:  

  • 1 year Math Teacher

  • 1 FTE. Math Teacher 

  • 1 year Spanish Teacher 

  • 1 FTE. Spanish Teacher

  • Para Educators (3)

  • Student Support

  • Special Educator

  • High School Receptionist

Onward: A Yearlong Emotional Resiliency Immersion for Educators

3 Graduate Credits from Castleton University

In this immersive experience, educators will be provided the structure, knowledge, and guidance to reflect on their professional journey, contemplate change, practice new ways of being, and co-create a community of support. Throughout the school year, we will learn strategies and apply mindset shifts to manage stress and overcome the challenges of the teaching profession. Monthly class times will be supported as a confidential place to celebrate bright spots and share struggles as we work to learn from one another and cultivate resilience.

Audience: All educators including PK-12 teachers, administrators, school counselors, school-based clinicians, school social workers, librarians, school nurses, instructional coaches, interventionists, and any additional support staff and personnel 

Format: Options for both in-person cohorts (including a Central Vermont cohort and a Northern Vermont cohort) and fully online cohorts

Dates: August 2023 - May 2024, Course will meet for a full-day in August (Two ½ days for online cohort) followed by monthly two hour classes in September through May (either in-person or online depending on your cohort)

For more information including dates and times, check out the registration form here which also includes a link to the syllabus with all the details.

*Please note that if there is enough interest at HUMHS or within HUUSD, I am able to offer an additional cohort for HUMHS or HUUSD only.

Questions? Contact Tara Cariano at

Senior Grades are due on Thursday, June 8th. 

If you have a senior student in one of your classes who is at risk of not completing your course successfully, please let their school counselor know.  

We have already sent home letters stating that a student may be at risk of not fulfilling graduation requirements. Hearing from you helps us have a better understanding of their progress towards graduation requirements and in turn plan follow-up meetings and conversations with the student and their family to explore next steps.

It's also important for you to communicate with the students and their family directly. We often don't have all of the details they're looking for; often about missing assignments, options to successfully complete the course, etc. It's incredibly helpful when they have direct communication from you.

Thank you for all of your hard work and the dedication you have to ensuring all of our students experience success here at Harwood.  We are so grateful to work with such an amazing group of teachers.

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