Thursday, April 20, 2023

Harwood Staff Blog Update- April 20, 2023

 Team -

Harwood Hacks

Pop Culture Mood Boards: Create a mood scale of pop culture references for students to select to identify and share their mood with others. This is a low-stakes way to introduce emotional check-ins for students and provide visuals that don’t feel too elementary.

Soak up the moment!


  • 05/01 - 05/19 - VTCAP state testing in grades 7, 8, 9 and 11 (more details here)

  • 05/03 - UVM Tour Field Trip

  • 05/04 - VSAC Managing College Costs - 6pm

  • 05/06 - SATs at HUHS

  • 05/07 - NHS Free babysitting *details to come 

  • 05/11 - Career Fair - 11:30 - 1:30 

  • 05/18 - Socrates Cafe 

  • 05/20 - Jr. & Sr. Prom

  • 05/22 - 05/26 - SPIRIT WEEK!! (schedule here)

  • 05/23 - 6pm - 8pm - Music Department Senior Showcase 

  • 06/02 - Step up Day for incoming 7th and 9th

  • 06/06 - Art Show - 6pm

  • 06/07 - Senior Field Trip

  • 06/08 - 8th grade Spirit of Ethen Allen

  • 06/08 - Senior Awards Night - 6pm

  • 06/10 - Graduation - 10am


Staff Member



For his high standards, thorough follow up, deep investment and POWERFUL impact.  You will be missed.  Thank you for being a trusted adult for many of our students who struggle the most.  

MS team

For all your work to execute a 7th grade Welcome Night!  

Safe - seen, heard, respected & understood:



Student Support Services

Health Office Updates

Student Support Collective: Please see our SSC Agenda and Notes - If you have any questions or want to learn more related to the notes/agenda items, please contact our team using this Email:

4/17/23: Reviewed Harwood Community Survey Data

  • Identified themes and patterns, wonders and notices

  • Developed summary statements to synthesize data

5/1/23: Meet with Starling (Lisa/Camille)

  • Work on Harwood Community Survey Collective Summary Statement

5/5/23: Student Voice Collective/Work Group - 

Student Voice Collective: Please see SVC Agenda and Notes - If you have any questions or want to learn more related to the notes/agenda items, please contact Melody Frank or Ellen Berrings

  • Student Led work group meeting to discuss

    • Data Collection Questions

    • Data Collection Methodology

Hello From the Health Office!

We are continuing to see many students each day due to lack of sleep. We are trying to limit these visits and to reinforce good sleep hygiene. Did you know that sleeping less than 7 hours per night on a regular basis is associated with adverse health outcomes?  For more information on good sleep hygiene, follow this link.

Please be on the lookout for our mugs. They grew legs and walked away. We are also open to take any spare mugs off your hands. 

Thanks so much! -Magge, Becca & Linda

TA update

Spirit Week is coming!!! May 22nd-May 25th

Friday morning we will know all of the class themes. Some of advisory time over the next few weeks will be devoted to readying for the events. We will be asking teachers to support students in their grade with murals, music videos and carnival day sign ups. Please consider stepping up to support one of these groups.

The lead TA group will be meeting on Friday morning to update the calendar slideshows for the upcoming weeks of school and sharing out with all of you. Please feel free to reach out to Ellen or your lead TA with any questions or suggestions. 



Rigorous & Robust Academic Program:



Staff Meeting 

Objectives: Apply UDL strategies and takeaways from the discussion in our last UDL workshop session to future learning for students

Staff Meeting Calendar 

Where:  UDL Workshop Groups (same as last time, find your groups and locations here)

When: 3:30 - 4:30

Staff Meeting Agenda

Summer Session


Here are a few summer session status updates as the weather gets warmer and summer gets closer!

  • Harwood will run two separate one-week sessions for students going into grades 10-12 during the weeks of July 17-21 and July 24-28.

  • The focus of summer sessions will be on course completion (for NYCs) as well as Learning Expectation/skill improvement.

  • For students with a low course score or LE score as of the end of Quarter 3, this letter will be sent out tomorrow as a first notification that summer session may be recommended.

  • We are still seeking teachers for one or both weeks. There is a particular need for math and social studies, and the pay this year is $50/hour for licensed teachers.

Positive school climate and culture:



FREE Educators Financial Literacy Academy with 3 graduate credits through Champlain College.

The goal of this online, asynchronous Academy is to increase the financial literacy and instructional capability of teachers through targeted training on financial literacy topics. 100% of the available spots for this session are open to Vermont educators. Teachers who complete the training will have the confidence, skills and curriculum tools to successfully train their students in financial literacy topics. This financial literacy boot camp will cover saving and investing, credit reports and scores, credit and debt, managing risk, income and careers-in short, the financial knowledge needed to navigate daily life and how to bring this knowledge to high school students


Ellen Bagnato
VSAC Aspirations Lead School Specialist

There are lots of scholarships and awards available to graduating students on Naviance!   Some of the scholarships include: 

  • Booster Club Scholarship

  • Alchemist Opportunity Fund (renewable scholarship for 4-years)

  • Ready AF Award (for non-college bound students)

  • Macbook Award

There are also paper copies of some of the scholarship applications in the Senior Cafe. 

Introducing our new Math Teacher, Matthew Leonard:

Born and raised in New Hampshire, Matt made the move to Vermont in 2009.  After graduating from Johnson State College (now NVU-Johnson), he began his teaching career exploring the wonders of math with an energetic group of 7th graders.  Matt approaches teaching with the idea that authentic and positive relationships with students form the foundation for a thriving learning environment.  He is excited to be joining the Harwood math department and is looking forward to helping students explore opportunities to expand their critical thinking skills and persevere through the challenges that come their way.

Outside of school, Matt can be found with his nose in a good fantasy or sci-fi novel, exploring the culinary wonders of Northern and Central Vermont, and playing board games with his wife and two children.  When the weather is nice, he enjoys spending the day on a quiet mountain trail, and occasionally playing a double round of mini-golf with his family and friends. 

Hiring Update

Interviews this week:

  • Receptionist

  • Student Support 

  • 1 year Math, Sample Lesson

  • Nurse, .4

Posted positions still:  

  • 1 year Math Teacher

  • 1 year Spanish Teacher 

  • Full year Spanish

  • Para Educators (4)

  • High School Receptionist

  • Nurse, .4

  • PFE Teacher

  • Dean of Students

Our apologies! The  Dean of Students job description posted was incorrect.  Please look at this link for the accurate description.  The reason for this new position is out of a continued effort to create parity and consistency across HUMHS and CBMS (this position already exists at CBMS).  We will continue to have 3 Student support Specialists in addition to this role all supervised by the Assistant Principal.   

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so your VEHI PATH Building Leaders have organized a 


If you signed up by 12pm today, you will receive a tracker for the challenge in your mailbox. If you have not signed up, but you are still interested, please sign-up here, and you will receive your tracker after break.

As a reminder, this starts Monday, May 1st! Keep an eye out for a weekly email from your VEHI PATH team to keep you motivated. We will also post interesting facts each week during the month of May in the blog!

To kick us off, here are some interesting water facts…


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Dear HUUSD Staff, 

Take a minute to many decisions do you think you make every day?  Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands?  The answer varies, but it is a lot. A LOT.  And guess what there are many decisions for students to make too.  Our hope is that they are making the best, most informed decisions possible.  And the thing is, humans make mistakes, kids and adults alike,  and when we do, the hope is that we can learn from it.  Making informed decisions sometimes is thanks to not making great decisions in the past. 

Responsible decision making involves learning how to make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions across diverse settings. So how do we help the students we work with?  Here are a few resources: 

Conversation Starters:

  • Are you good at making decisions? Why or why not?

  • Tell me about a good decision you made.

  • Tell me about a bad decision you made.

  • Do you like to make choices? Why or why not?

  • Tell me one of your long-term goals.

  • Tell me one of your short-term goals.

  • Have you ever made a decision then changed your mind? If yes, explain the situation.

  • Have you ever asked the opinion of someone else before making a decision? If yes, explain the situation.

  • Do you think people make bad decisions because of peer pressure? Why or why not?

  • Tell me about a setback you had in your life.


Remember the choices we make each day can make all the difference,

Thanks for all you do,


(Justina, Shannon, Skye, Tara, Chelsea, Mandy)

Want to purchase a custom made Harwood soccer jersey for Spirit Week? Our staff theme is Ted Lasso. Deadline for orders is April 26th. Order HERE.

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