Thursday, February 16, 2023

Harwood Staff Blog Update- February 16, 2023

Team -

Harwood Hacks

Learning Edge: Ask students where their “learning edge” currently is, a place where they are

working to stretch and grow.

One more week until we can pause for a much deserved break

*To our staff leaving for Rwanda this weekend - Paul, Steve, Tedin, Tara and Rachael - have a wonderful experience.  We look forward to hearing all about it when you return!


  • 02/20 - 03/10 - Rwanda travel study

  • 02/22 - 7-9 p.m Band Night grades 5-12

  • 02/27 - 03/07 - No School - February Vacation

  • 03/16 - 7-9 p.m. Choral Night grades 5-12

  • 03/24 - No School 

  • 04/13 & 4/19 - Family/TA Conferences 


Staff Member


Ellen Bruneau 

For your incredible patience, positive prompting and support of a student you work with each week.

And for not physically attacking Duane when in the hallway.   

Brian Anderson

For your willingness to support all students - even those who might not be open to the support.  

Tara Kelley and Brian Wagner 

Thank you for the connection activity that challenges all of us to consider how we are lifelong learners.  

Jane Regan

For bringing out your buckets during the Fire Drill - thank you for reading the blog!

Angela Selvaggio

For her hard work and cutting edge ideas that earned her and her team a statewide Samsung Solve for Tomorrow award of 12,000 as our state winner - working on the national championship for a school award of 50k.  Way to go!  

Please note - we have ordered bags for priority items during emergency situations.  They will not be arriving until the Spring.  In the meantime please continue to bring your buckets.

Safe - seen, heard, respected & understood:



Student Support Services

Health Office Updates

Student Support Collective 

COOL RESOURCE: Visual Mood Scales Check out the slides for multiple sets of pictures you can use as a quick check-in activity.

→ For example, Slide 1 prompt: If you were the weather, what kind of weather would you be today?

THIS WEEK in SSC:  We met with Starling (Lisa and Camille) and reviewed the semester timeline and goal related to the H1 process work. We also reviewed the actual H1 Process, looking for areas to update so that the process is reflective of our current systems and collective leadership structure to support the H1 process. We will be reporting out on the timeline, goals, next steps, and student-adult partnership at our Tuesday February 24th staff meeting.

NEXT WEEK in SSC - We will finalize the H1 process document to reflect updates. We will discuss and commit to the  role/responsibilities of the Student Leadership Collective and student-adult partnership procedures related to the H1 process, Non-Negotiables, DESSA and any other ongoing Student Support Collective work.

Community Survey to Students: If you haven’t already, please administer the Harwood School Community Survey to your TA students. Survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. We will be sharing the results in the future, as it relates to our continued work toward goals and benchmarks.

Please see our SSC Agenda and Notes - If you have any questions or want to learn more related to the notes/agenda items, please contact our team using this Email:

Daily Student Support Team

Reminder: If you haven’t reviewed our Acknowledgement of Responsibilities document, please do so at your convenience. This is a document we review with every student who serves a detention. It is sent to students and their caregivers in advance. Page two outlines the procedures for progressive response to continued challenges. Please connect with a student support specialist, Melody, or Duane if you have any questions. 

***Please remember to use the for communication with the health office. This will get your message to whichever nurse is on that day. ***

  Love is Respect!

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. While you are celebrating with your Valentine, please be aware of these warning signs in our student relationships.

-Magge, Becca & Linda

TA update

February’s theme: Equity and Inclusion

Final Activity Related to the theme: 

Next week we are asking TA groups to continue our conversations connected to the theme of Equity and Inclusion. This article: Black High School Athletes Speak Out About Racism in Vermont Sports  connects us to a more local example of racism. 

~Read the article as a group

~Use the following guiding questions to discuss (feel free to create your own based on your group’s needs)

  • How aware were you of the concerns over racism in Vermont high school sports?

  • What surprised you about the experience shared by these students?

  • What other forms of harassment based on stereotypes or bias are present in sports or schools? 

  • What actions do you think need to be taken to ensure that there is equity for all students?


Rigorous & Robust Academic Program:



Staff Meeting 

Objectives: To share out and gather feedback (via small group dialogue) regarding the Student Support Collective goals/benchmark Semester 2 timeline; specifically H1 Process work; share out about Student Leadership Collective Partnership 

Staff Meeting Calendar 

Where: Library

When: 3:30 - 4:30 

Midpoint Q3!

TODAY (2/16) is the midpoint of quarter 3! This is an informal check-point for students, and JumpRope progress reports will be emailed to students and families on Monday afternoon

Please make sure that student scores in JumpRope are as up-to-date as possible so that students get an accurate portrayal of how they are doing. Consider including comments, particularly for students who are below a 2.6.

Interested in the Marshall Memo?

The Marshall Memo is a weekly roundup of important ideas and research in K-12 education (here is a sample). Compiled by Kim Marshall (whose rubrics and teacher development program we’re now using for supervision and evaluation), the memo summarizes and quotes some of the newest and most relevant education publications each week. 

Some educators in our building already get the memo each week. Susannah Cowden says “I like how it synthesizes key current research in education into really short, digestible things that I can skim and read more about if I’m interested. It makes me feel more informed about what is going on in the world of education beyond us, and I find myself often referring to it in conversations with colleagues.” 

Subscription is by the individual, but decreases in cost if more people subscribe within the school. We are interested in providing this resource if you think it is something you will read and benefit from (and share when inspired!). If you are interested in a year subscription, please put your name in this document, and we’ll follow up with more information!


We are still awaiting more information from the state about our new Standardized Test.  See 2/7 Update.  The State has not given us access to Test Nav.  It will go to Shannon Lesley first.  She and Bret Zeno will log in and upload staff.  Once that is complete Curtis will begin his magic.  


9th grade 


After careful consideration in discussions with the Teaching and Learning Collective and School Counseling, starting next year (with the class of 2027), 9th graders will need a 2.6 or above in order to successfully complete a course.

This shift is in line with our goal of sustaining a rigorous and robust academic program for all students, and reflects feedback from teachers and families as well as data showing the difficult transition from 9th to 10th grade. As we make this change, we will also continue to strengthen our systems of ELO, ELO series, and guided courses in order to support all students in achieving proficiency and beyond.

Positive school climate and culture:



February Faculty Fun!

Join us THIS Friday for a snowshoeing and cross country skiing right here on the Harwood trails! We'll meet at the gate by the bus barn at 3:40. If you do not have snowshoes or cross country skis, please check-in with colleagues to see if they can help you get connected with a pair. We hope you can join us!

Plus, you can earn 10 PATH points toward the 200 needed for a $100 LL Bean Gift Gard! Not signed up for PATH yet, reach out to your Building Leaders Tara Cariano, Nick Gordon, or Meghan McCarthy for help getting signed up!

School Safety Update

Our top priority is to do our best to create a safe school environment for our community.  Thank you for your continued perseverance, flexibility and patience as we prepare, and implement our safety drills  Here are some resources for our upcoming drills 

  • Behold The ID poem  

Wear your ID

This is a plea

It is for the safety of all of us 

We don’t want to cause a fuss 

So please let's just see 

You lovely ID’ed face 

On Thee 

d.p. poet laureate

(If you need a replacement - contact  

Hiring Update

This week:

  • Special Educator Coordinator hired - Elizabeth King         

  • Middle School English Teacher position offered 

Next week:

  • English Teacher interviews & sample lessons 

  • Math Teacher interview & sample lessons

  • Assistant Principal on site 2nd round interview

  • Athletic Director on site 2nd round interview

  • Reading Interventionist interviews

Posted positions:  

  • Assistant Principal 

  • 3 English teachers - 1 Middle School & 2 High Schools 

  • Athletic Director (for July 1st hire)

  • Math Teacher 

  • 1 year Math Teacher

  • 1 year Spanish Teacher 

  • Speech & Language Pathologist 

  • Para Educators (4)

  • Reading Interventionist

  • Student Support Position

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