Friday, February 5, 2021

Harwood Staff Blog update, Februrary 5, 2021

Carter G. Woodson, the "Father of Black History Month", observed that in spite of Black Americans being central to the story of America, their accomplishments were largely neglected in the books and discussions of American history.  He founded the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) to promote, research, preserve, interpret and disseminate information about Black life, history, and culture. In 1926, Woodson and the ASALH launched "Negro History Week".  This was established the week of Abraham Lincoln & Frederick Douglass' birthdays in February—to support schools in promoting greater knowledge of Black history. Colleges started extending it to a full month & in 1976, Black History Month was decreed a national observance.


95 years after Woodson started Negro History Week, there is still a serious need to support schools in promoting greater knowledge of Black history, as Black history and contributions continue to be left out of year-round curriculum.


We wish we didn't need to say it, but it is very important for all educators to observe Black History Month, including non-Black educators and those teaching majority non-Black students, because they are least likely to receive this kind of content during and outside of school.


Research shows by 3, kids have already developed anti-Black bias. Two ways to start to counter it are positive representations of Blackness or as Woodson states: knowledge about how Black people “influenced the development of civilization” & explicitly naming & disrupting racism. An powerful and compelling 2016 film to view with your students and families is “Hidden Figures”.  The mere title speaks to how Black people and in the case Black women were pioneers in moving the human race forward into space!  


Non-Black families & educators: please don't leave it up to Black families & educators to be the only ones asking, advocating for, and teaching this. Please do not ask Black families or colleagues to come up with and teach your whole Black history curriculum.

 The Conscious Kid

Team Harwood;

Last week for the second time - one of our students came by our office.  This time he was asking for a snack because he hadn’t eaten breakfast.  In the last 5 months this child has transferred to Harwood twice - being out of school and between his two homes while not at Harwood.  For a student who historically skipped school with no acknowledgement - it was a powerful shift to arrive at Harwood and be met with continued connection and support from our team.  And so, after leaving our office we celebrated the visit - a symbol (we hope) of the sense of safety he feels and a reflection of feeling seen, heard, respected, and understood.

As the first week of Black History Month draws to a close - let’s continue to consider how we intentionally ensure ALL our students feel the same way.  For a majority white staff the challenge by The Conscious Kid above and this video are a powerful reminder of the work of being anti-racists and ultimately creating a community where ALL feel seen, heard, respected, and understood.   

Here is to rising up together and continuing to consider the impact of our unconscious biases.

Laurie, Duane and Meg  


  • SST for your dedication, passion and desire to strengthen our systems of support!
  • Michael for all of your great connections with staff, music and advocacy for kids! 
  • Jonah Ibson for his work to facilitate the start of an  affinity group for our BIPOC students.
  • Melody for her work in running effective CSP meetings to support our students and with your vigilance with attendance.




Tasks/Point people 

Plans for February break

Please reach out and let Duane, Meg and/or Laurie know if you will need to quarantine after February break so we can plan accordingly.  

Meg, Laurie or Duane

If I have concerns about students' academic performance what do I do?

First, go back through your universal strategies toolbox and consider if there is anything else that can be tried.  Specifically have you:

  • Booked the student in ELO

  • Spoken to the student

  • Reached out to the family

If, yes then please complete an SST referral.  

Next surveillance testing date

It's time for COVID-19 surveillance testing again! We will test as a district on Tuesday, February 9th.  Please read through this email prior to registering for full instructions. The testing registration process has been updated. Please take time to read through the PDF screenshots that highlight the NEW registration process. You may need to update your profile, and you will be required to select a testing location.  There is only one link (below) for the district.  Once you are in the registration system, you will be asked to select your respective school.


Testing is optional for teachers and staff.  If you would like to be tested, we are asking that you complete registration by Friday, February 5th at noon.  This will give time for our nurse team to help troubleshoot registration before the hard deadline on Monday, Feb 8th. 


Registration Process

  • The AOE recommends that before registering, staff should view this updated video walking through the registration process, or review these step-by-step slides. Registration is a multi-step process and you should set aside some time to be sure you are able to complete registration before the deadline.

  • You must register prior to 12:00PM on MONDAY, Feb 8. Walk-ins will not be able to test.

  • You will be asked to select a LOCATION for testing. Choose Washington for the County and then hit search.  On the next page, choose HUUSD and your corresponding school on the right. Each school has its own set of labels, so please double check that you have chosen the correct school.

  • In response to the question “What is the reason the attendee is getting tested?” Staff should select “Other” and enter “Teacher and staff testing

  • Insurance information will not be collected for this testing. In response to the question “Do you have insurance?” Staff should choose “Unknown” from the drop-down menu asking about insurance.

  • Registration will ask for the staff to choose an “appointment time.” These times DO NOT matter for the self-administered teacher. Pick any time you'd like.


If you are registering for the first time, you will complete Your First and Last Name, Phone, Email on the initial registration page. You will then receive an email to confirm your account.  Your Patient ID will be in that email.  You will need your Patient ID to complete registration. Click back on the registration link to confirm your account and follow the steps above to login and schedule an appointment. Here are step by step instructions for registering for the first time.



Registration link for users who have tested before:


Registration link for new users who have not tested before:


IMPORTANT:  You should receive a confirmation email from VERMONT AHS once you are registered for testing. If you do not receive this listing HUUSD as the testing location, you are NOT registered.  Please try again.  After watching the video and reviewing the step by step slides, you may email  or call 863-7240 if you are unable to resolve your concern with registration.   If you have symptoms, you are expected to stay home and contact your provider rather than coming to school to be tested. 

Allison Conyers

Are we allowed to bring food treats for Valentine’s day celebrations in the building? 

As has been the case with food during COVID in general  - please refrain from bringing in any Valentine food treats. 

Allison Conyers




Tasks/Point people 

Free Meals

For Children 18 & Younger

Did you know you can get free breakfasts and lunches for your children 18 and under? That includes littles not yet enrolled in school! Sign up for meals here.  Free meals are not only for families in need, and you won’t be “taking away” a meal from someone in need if you decide to get a meal for your child(ren).   Please take advantage of this wonderful benefit, the more meals served, the better it is for the HUUSD Food & Nutrition Program. 

Paul Morris

Teacher Advisory

2021 MLK Activity

In response to the “I Have a Dream Speech”

This week you should have received Stars (yellow) and squares (red, white and blue) to respond to this prompt: Based on inspiration from the speech and your experiences in the past, please share some examples of times when you have participated in nonviolent resistance, volunteer/service work, and/or racial justice AND Why you participated.

You will receive heart hands (different shades of brown) to respond to the second prompt: What can we do at Harwood to make sure everyone feels a sense of belonging to our community? (All members are seen, heard, valued and respected).


protest signs (red rectangles) are for the third prompt: How can students get more involved in social justice work right now?

We encourage you to take time to discuss your responses to the prompts (we are hoping staff will add their responses too!)

Please leave completed pieces in Rachael or Ellen’s mailbox. The amazing sophomore committee will be creating the remainder of the mural with your contributions.

An interesting resource:

If your group is looking for more opportunities to dig into Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem, check out this great lesson outline that has an option for a 20 minute session. 

Questions of the week:

  1. How has the second semester started for you? What are you enjoying the most? What has been challenging?

  2. What is your favorite room in your house and why?

  3. What is your favorite space in school and why?

  4. What is it that motivates you the most?

  5. If you had to choose, would you rather be too hot or too cold? Why?

  6. If you had to describe your current life as a movie, what movie would you choose?

Ellen Berrings 

Health Office Updates

It’s just a cold….or is it? 

As we turn the corner into the new calendar year, the snow continues to fall, the temperatures continue to dip, and there are other communicable diseases in addition to COVID-19 that inevitably have started to spread. Welcome to the cold and flu season! 

   Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by infection with a new coronavirus (called SARS-CoV-2), and flu is caused by infection with influenza viruses. The symptoms of flu and COVID-19 are similar, it may be impossible to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone, and testing may be needed to help confirm a diagnosis. It is possible to test positive for flu (as well as other respiratory pathogens) and the virus that causes COVID-19 at the same time. 

Now the good news! Our school already has a successful defense in fighting the spread of the coronavirus, IT’S YOU!!  If we keep our guards up and continue to follow our mitigation strategies and procedures, we will ultimately be successful in limiting the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses like cold and flu viruses. Ultimately, to be successful in this effort, we must continue to be diligent in our efforts. Get your flu shot, wash your hands, social distance and wear your mask. Answer your daily  health screenings honestly, don’t self diagnose, stay home if you answered “YES” to ANY question and seek guidance from your healthcare provider or school nurse. Be a role model and talk openly about all of the ways you are keeping yourself and others safe. 

I recently found myself feeling burnt out and tired of wearing a face mask and decided to wear my reminders proudly and for others to see. 

I challenge you to join me. 

Who do you wear your mask for?

Amanda & Tracy




Tasks/Point people 

Attendance Reminder

Please remember that we are monitoring attendance to keep all students healthy and safe. We need everyone to take attendance to make the system work. It is important that everyone takes attendance during TA and in the first 10 minutes of each class. Remember to mark students:

P - Present 

UX - Unexcused absence

TU -Tardy unexcused

Safety Committee 
Lunch time = good times 

REMINDER:  Please team up with another teacher to supervise student walking to the cafeteria for lunch to ensure student are not taking the “long way” back and forth.   Thank you!

Upcoming Dates 


  • 02/08 - Send Transcripts to college

  • 2/22 - 3/2 - No School - Winter Break

    • 03/04 - Black cohort day

    • 03/05 - Gold cohort day

Please note the cohort day switch when we return from February break!.

Duane and Laurie, Meg

2/10 Staff Meeting 8-9 a.m.

Objective: HUMHS goals and 5 year plan overview 

  1. Staff will be able to articulate our 5 year plans and the drivers we plan to use to implement these goals

  2. Staff will identify what we are doing NOW that already is driving towards these goals 

Running Agenda

Zoom Information:  

Meeting ID: 858 1626 1603

Passcode: 9M1Hus

Meg, Duane and Laurie 

Staff Meeting Time decision 

Please note that Harwood school specific staff meetings will be held from 8:00 - 9:00 based on recent survey data.  This will not be the case for Rebecca Haslam’s meeting which will still be held from 3 - 4. (March 17)  Please refer to the staff meeting calendar linked above.  Please see Laurie, Duane and/or Meg if you have questions or concerns.  

Tech Updates

If you are interested in displaying content on our monitors, located in the main lobby, MS entrance and by the HS gym, contact and we can help with that.

(i.e. Powerpoint, message, pictures, student work)

Taggert and Justin

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