Friday, January 8, 2021

Harwood Staff Blog update, January 8, 2021

January 8, 2020

Team Harwood;  

The other day we received an email from one of you reflecting on how “this year has of course come with its challenges but there have also been many positives.”  With the hope that 2021 will bring relief from the pandemic and political unrest the need for us to step back and consider the bright spots and our learnings and how we carry them forward is upon us.  In a recent OpEd from the NYTimes Dr. Mehta, a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education who studies how to transition from rote learning to deep engagement offers one take away “We often are in such a rush in school — from one class to the next, from one topic to another — that we don’t remember that the fundamental job is to partner with families to raise successful human beings. The pandemic is helping many of us to think about our students in a fuller and more holistic way; we should remember that when the crisis ends.”

As we look to Semester 2 and Flex Block we again have the opportunity to prioritize human connection and foster individual interests and passions.  The offerings the Harwood staff put together provide ALL our students - as our mission seeks to do an educational and creative environment in which every person is valued as an individual, challenged as a learner, inspired to contribute to a democratic society, and provided a unique and personalized learning experience. This is a clear reflection of the philosophy of PBL and UDL that Harwood has been actively working to implement.  In addition, it reflects the work of equity we have begun to explore with Rebecca Haslam and in our discussions as a staff.

2020 challenged us to put our life in focus - 2021 now offers the opportunity to implement what we learned.  Eager to dig into this journey together.  

In partnership,

Meg, Duane and Laurie 

FYI - Important Teaching Resource

Resource LIst for Teaching about the Jan 6 Event in Washington DC

Weekly gratitudes and care:

  • Tedin for your vigilance to attendance - the system works and you ensured our follow up was thorough and prioritized student’s safety.

  • Sarah, Adam, Laura and Rob for your invitations and welcoming spirit to observe your Harkness’.

  • School Counselors for working diligently in supporting the seniors in their next steps.

  • Duane, for always being there to lift spirits.




Tasks/Point people 

What steps are taken after I realize I need a sub?  

You should:

  1. submit your ReadySub request.

  2. send your sub plans to Shannon. 

  3. If last minute absence, please text or email Shannon directly in addition to submitting ReadySub request.

Shannon will:

  1. assign a substitute after the substitution need is approved. 

  2. provide direction and plans to substitute upon arrival to school. Please keep your sub binder as up-to-date as possible.

Friendly reminder - substitutes are NOT needed for Wednesday.  For those quarantining you are able to work remotely on our previously scheduled remote days OR should assign asynchronous work if you are taking a sick or personal day.

THANK YOU all for your patience and support of Shannon as she does a phenomenal job balancing the many different needs this year in particular.

Laurie, Meg and Duane 

Meetings - virtual or in person?

Given our current reality we will continue to hold meetings virtually.  Please do the same when meeting with more than 1-2 people.  Thank you for your understanding.

School Pictures

School pictures for M-Z students are in mailboxes and ready for handout during TA next week.

Picture retakes will be Tuesday, 1/19 and Friday, 1/22.

Nancy Myrto




Tasks/Point people 

Continued support for our community in processing the attack on our Capitol

Please find a great resource for supporting these conversations in the aftermath of the crisis.

Teaching Tolerance - Leading Conversations after Crisis

COVID test

The next surveillance testing date is scheduled for Tuesday Jan. 12th. 

Registration Process

  • The AOE recommends that before registering, staff should view this six minute video walking through the registration process, or review these step-by-step slides. Registration is a multi-step process and you should set aside some time to be sure you are able to complete registration before the deadline. We are asking that you complete registration by Friday, January 8th at noon. This gives the nurse team time to help you troubleshoot on Friday afternoon or Monday morning.  

  • You must register prior to 12:00PM on MONDAY, January 11. Walk-ins will not be able to test. 

  • If you would like to be tested, please start the registration process ASAP. You may reach out to technical support at or 863-7240 Option 8 for account assistance.  Your school nurse cannot reset your password or change your account information. 

  • If you participated in a previous session, you can click the link for the school at which you will test, then click LOG IN in the UPPER RIGHT CORNER.


  • Answer the questions asked.

  • In response to the question “What is the reason the attendee is getting tested?” Staff should select “Other” and enter “Teacher and staff testing

  • Insurance information will not be collected for this testing. In response to the question “Do you have insurance?” Staff should choose “Unknown” from the drop-down menu asking about insurance.

  • Registration will ask for the staff to choose an “appointment time.” These times DO NOT matter for the self-administered teacher. Pick any time you'd like.


If you are registering for the first time, you will complete Your First and Last Name, Phone, Email on the initial registration page. You will then receive an email to confirm your account.  Your Patient ID will be in that email.  You will need your Patient ID to complete registration. Click back on the school link to confirm your account and follow the steps above to login and schedule an appointment. 

Amanda, Eric and Tracy

Reminders from our health office 

Most people are feeling a lot of different ways at once right now, which is hard for our brains to process and understand. This year has been a difficult year for many reasons. That means that some of your distress is likely related to things other than the holidays. It is completely normal for you to be feeling a bit more emotional than usual right now. Take some time to sort through your emotions in whatever way is most productive for you - you can journal, talk to a friend, or just spend some quiet time alone thinking. Once you have a better idea of the specific feelings you’re experiencing, you can start making plans to cope with them.While the holidays are mainly about thankfulness and celebration, this can also be a really hard time of year, even during normal circumstances. If you’re missing a loved one, think of ways to honor them during your festivities. If someone you love has lost a job or had to drop out of school, take the time to recognize the challenges that came with that. Even if you haven’t lost anything concrete, we’ve all lost our sense of normalcy this year – it’s okay to grieve that during this time. Gratitude is a major focus this time of year, and while it may seem harder to find things to appreciate, there is still plenty to be thankful for. Make a conscious effort to regularly identify some things that you’re grateful for.If you’re still finding yourself sad, hopeless, or unable to enjoy the holidays this year, you may be struggling with a mental health condition. Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider or access the free services offered through the Employee Assistance Program (888) 834-2830 (available 24/7)

Website: Invest EAP Password: vteap

Amanda & Tracy

Staff Lunch spaces 

In order to support us all in feeling safe during COVID a staff eating area has been put out in front of the auditorium in the lobby area in order to provide an open space that also has direct access outside.

If you eat in this area please ensure the door is tightly closed before you leave.

High School TA Plans

Hopefully this week you had time to share the 2020-2021 activity in advisory this week. There are some lovely hopes and dreams on the wall by the library. Stop by and check them out. 


Over the course of the next two weeks we will be supporting students with the flex block process. I will be sending out Lisa T’s outline of the process for TA communication on Friday (so you should have seen it before you see this blog!). 



Read this information in TA today or tomorrow



Read this information in TA today or tomorrow



Support students to select their top four choices for Flex Block and complete registration google form


Support students to select their top four choices for Flex Block and complete registration google form


Support students to select their top four choices for Flex Block and complete registration google form


Support students to select their top four choices for Flex Block and complete registration google form


If you have not had time to do so, I encourage engaging in Ellie Odefey’s thoughtful dialogue activity regarding Partridge Thatcher. As we close in on the week where we honor MLK, this activity provides a local connection to conversations around racial justice. 

Speaking of MLK week; we are working on a meaningful school-wide activity to honor and celebrate his life and to consider his work and ongoing efforts for racial equity. Please stay tuned for more information!


Remote Advisory Idea:

20 Fun Zoom Games for Kids - some of the activities are geared to younger children but some would work well for high school students.


This week’s check in question ideas:


1. If you had a time machine that would work only once, what point in the future or in history would you visit? 

2. How difficult is it for you to try new things and why?

3. What is the most interesting conversation you have had this week?

4. What doesn’t exist, but should?

5. If you could choose to be famous for something, what would it be?

6. When are you most productive?





Tasks/Point people 

Harwood Transit Pass Update 

IMPORTANT Please review this with TA’s during the week of January 11th.  

Click on the link below to learn more about the Harwood Transit card system: 

Harwood Transit Card information 

Beginning Tuesday January 19 Harwood Union Middle/High School Bus riders will be asked to utilize the Harwood Transit cards (ZPass System) to assist school staff with identifying what students ride which bus each day regardless of any change in the bus they take to or from school.   Students will be expected to swipe the card for both AM and PM bus routes - daily routes only. This is more important than ever given during this  COVID school year.   If you still need a transit card please see Nancy Myrto.  If you have questions contact Duane Pierson at


Upcoming Dates 


  • 1/29 - Last day of Semester 1/Quarter 2 

  • 2/1 - Quarter 3 & Flex block begins

Meg and Laurie, Duane

Staff Meeting agenda.

ObjectiveIdentify our learnings and current growth from this year as we ready to support our students in this same reflection  

Running Agenda

Zoom Information:  

Meeting ID: 858 1626 1603

Passcode: 9M1Hus

Tech Updates

If you are interested in displaying content on our monitors, located in the main lobby, MS entrance and by the HS gym, contact and we can help with that.

(i.e. Powerpoint, message, pictures, student work)

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