Friday, January 22, 2021

Harwood Staff Blog update, January 22, 2021



Together we will create brave space 

Because there is no such thing as a “safe space” We exist in the real world 

We all carry scars and we have all caused wounds. In this space 

We seek to turn down the volume of the outside world, We amplify voices that fight to be heard elsewhere, We call each other to more truth and love 

We have the right to start somewhere and continue to grow. We have the responsibility to examine what we think we know. We will not be perfect. 

This space will not be perfect. 

It will not always be what we wish it to be 


It will be our brave space together, 


We will work on it side by side. 

by Micky ScottBey Jones

Team Harwood; 

Thank you for leaning in during Monday’s inservice discussion.  “This work” is hard.  I was humbly reminded of that as I felt my own discomfort when sharing my reflections and stories.  Frederick Douglass’ words continue to ring true.

As did Amanda Gorman’s - National Youth Poet Laureate words from the inauguration:

When day comes, we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid. 

The new dawn blooms as we free it. 

For there is always light 

if only we’re brave enough to see it. 

If only we’re brave enough to be it.

Next week we’ll continue this brave work with Rebecca Haslam during our staff meeting on Wednesday (please see details below.)  

In partnership,

Duane, Meg and Laurie

Important Notice

We will hold  our “secure the building” drills on 1/25 and 1/28 next week.  It is very important that you review the information found in the following link prior to block 4 (note this change)     

Safety Drill Link:  1/25 and 1/28 Safety Drill protocol




Tasks/Point people 

Plans for February break

Please reach out and let Duane, Meg and/or Laurie know if you will need to quarantine after February break so we can plan accordingly.  

Meg, Laurie or Duane

How can you support our students in getting involved with anti-racist work?

Check out this opportunity - Anti-racism flyer 

Are we allowed to bring food treats for Valentine’s day celebrations in the building? 

As has been the case with food during COVID in general  - please refrain from bringing in any Valentine food treats. 

Allison Conyers




Tasks/Point people 

Reminders from our health office 

Please remember to do the staff daily COVID screening form before entering the building. 

STAY HOME if you have ANY of the listed symptoms and call your healthcare provider for guidance.We are seeing an increase in the number of COVID close contact cases in the school community and we are entering cold and flu season. It is critical that we continue to remain vigilant and follow our mitigation strategies and procedures. 

Amanda & Tracy 

High School TA Plans

This week high school TA teachers met in your grade-based groups. As a reminder, next week we will all be orienting our students to follow the process to access Powerschool and Adaptive Scheduler using this presentation to support your effort. 

MLK Community Activity

I want to truly appreciate the sophomore class council and Rachael for their hard work in creating the bulletin board and activities designed to honor MLK and make connections to building a Harwood community that is welcoming to all. In addition, this activity will help us to uncover opportunities for all of us to engage more fully in social and racial justice activities should we be interested in doing so. These resources are designed to be used flexibly in your advisory across the next few weeks in conjunction with your grade-based TA plans. 

A huge thank you also to the lead TA teachers who are doing an amazing job of supporting their TA groups with planning and resources. 

Check in questions of the Week:

  1. With the first semester coming to a close, what are you most proud of accomplishing so far this year? 

  2. What are you looking forward to for the second semester?

  3. What do you look forward to each week?

  4. What was your best accomplishment this week?

  5. Did you have any bad days this week? What did you do to feel better?

  6. If you could swap lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?


Professional development and conferences 

Unfortunately due to budgetary constraints we are unable to approve professional development and conferences for the remainder of this year unless it is part of the 6 credits for graduate work you are provided in your contract each year and occurs outside of the school day and if needed for licensure.   

If you are seeking graduate work opportunities please remember that these courses can not be taken during school hours.

Laurie and Meg 




Tasks/Point people 

Upcoming Dates 


  • 1/29 - Last day of Semester 1/Quarter 2 

  • 02/01 - Quarter 3 & Flex block begins

  • 02/03 - NO Staff meeting - time to complete grades and comments

  • 02/05 - Grades to families and students

  • 02/08 - Send Transcripts to college

  • 2/22 - 3/2 - No School - Winter Break

    • 03/04 - Black cohort day

    • 03/05 - Gold cohort day

Please note the cohort day switch when we return from February break!.

Duane and Laurie, Meg

A message from our board re: Antiracism communication


Staff Meeting 1/27 agenda.

Workshop with Rebecca Haslam 3 - 4pm

Racial Identity Development and Socialization

Participants will explore different models of racial identity development, reflect on their own, examine what they’ve learned about other races, and continue to locate themselves in the conversation about racism in the U.S.


Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Passcode: 0LLNEb


Phone-In: 888 788 0099 (Toll Free) or 877 853 5247 (Toll Free)

Webinar ID: 833 0609 1783

Passcode: 545834


YouTube Live Overflow: If you try to join the Zoom meeting and it says that the meeting is full, you will need to watch on YouTube Live

This YouTube Live link MUST NOT be shared with anyone outside of HUUSD

Resource Folder:

Meg, Duane and Laurie 

Tech Updates

If you are interested in displaying content on our monitors, located in the main lobby, MS entrance and by the HS gym, contact and we can help with that.

(i.e. Powerpoint, message, pictures, student work)

Taggert and Justin

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