Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Harwood Staff Blog update, October 20, 2020

Anyone feel like this lately?  We hope Wednesday’s staff meeting will offer strategies and opportunities to support our overall well being as we head into the darker months of the year..  

Harwood Team; 

The highlights of our days is the time we spend connecting and fostering new relationships.  Often it’s in the morning when screening students or later in the day when we’re popping into classes. serving lunch, greeting in the hallway...   Building trust takes time and even more so during COVID.  And, so we must also seek other means of doing so in written word as well.  

To that end, we want to share that it was clear after last week’s TA time during our staff meeting that concern and angst was great in regards to considerations of Wednesday schedules, upcoming Student conferences and PLP work.  We are grateful for the partnership of HEA in putting out a survey regarding Wednesday has provided helpful and important insight.  We are eager for feedback and collective consideration in order to support our community in moving forward.  Our continued hope is that we foster a leadership team structure that provides varied perspectives and expertise that inform decision making.  Additionally, we want to continue to employ survey’s and listening sessions to inform next steps.  And, we want to acknowledge there will also be times we will need to make decisions as an administrative team that don’t include the collective voice.  

Our intention is to ensure clarity regarding when a decision has been or needs to be made by us vs. the times when we are seeking feedback and collective decision making.  To this end, we are working on a draft process/model that will support a transparent/authentic/stakeholder voice based decision process that we hope to share soon.  

Our hope in sharing Wednesday considerations was to elicit feedback (thank you HEA!) - we apologize that it might have unintentionally and unnecessarily increased your stress level. The survey data is linked here for your review. 

Survey staff 

Community survey 

Quick notes from the staff survey:  From a 30,000 foot perspective there seems to be a strong leaning towards keeping the ELO structure in place and not altering the cohort teams days at this time. Next week   the leadership teams will review the data and make a recommendation/decision on both questions as well as make considerations on improvements/ adjustments where necessary.  Any changes will go into effect beginning November 16 (the beginning of quarter 2).    

The work ahead will continue to require patience, flexibility and trust but undoubtedly TOGETHER we will continue to do our best by our students.

In partnership and with gratitude,

Laurie, Meg and Duane

FAQ Updates

In the latest blog, it said that we should not use the code TU. What if a student comes to us with a note from another teacher or school counseling or the nurse? I would generally consider that to be excused and have marked students down as excused if that is the case. What should the new practice be in that situation?

Teachers should use the following codes:

  • Absent Excused - when a student is not in class and has already communicated why - (please add why in comment box)

  • Unexcused Absent - when a student arrives to class more than 10 min. late or not at all 

  • Tardy Excused - when a student arrives late with a pass

  • Tardy Unexcused - when a student arrives late without a pass

Have the future days off been looked at to try to equal out the number of Mon/Tues missed vs. Thurs/Fri. missed? For example, Tues. students will miss voting day. Can we have them come to school Wed or something like that? It seems important to me to keep the 2 "halves" of our classes on the same page so that if we go full remote, they can join together without big issues.

This is being considered now that we have a final decision regarding cohort days and use of Wednesday.  Stay tuned for more details 

Have the weeks after major vacations been thought about at all? People travel a lot during Thankgiving and Christmas time and since most people did not travel during Easter I think there will be even more traveling happening for these holidays. Will we be remote for a couple of weeks following these vacations?

Yes, this is being considered at a state level and we are awaiting guidance and direction.  We are hoping for more by the end of the month.  This is obviously very complicated for a multitude of reasons and has been discussed by the HUUSD administrative team several times.  We will share more as we learn more.  

A fair number of students have been sharing about traveling out-of-state and have admitted to not responding truthfully to the daily screening question about out-of-state travel. How do we maintain student trust while also reporting concerns to the nurse about students who have visited counties with high rates of COVID transmission?

Safety of our community must be our first priority.  That said, we will ensure your anonymity is maintained if a student needs to be spoken to about the accuracy of their screening.  Thank you for your vigilance and partnership in this.

Outdoor tents for lunch/ mask breaks during inclement weather: how can we set up an outdoor area(s) for students and staff to be protected from rain/ snow, but still be able to eat outdoors and have masks breaks without being rained/snowed on? Currently the only protected outdoor area (meaning, an area that has a roof) is outside the main entrance. It is small, leaky, and does not have adequate seating for staff who do not feel safe eating in their classrooms due to ventilation/ aerosol concerns. As my classroom lacks ventilation and windows, this is an enormous area of concern for me. If it is raining, I literally have nowhere to eat lunch.

Please reach out individually so we can brainstorm options.  With the winter quickly forthcoming considering indoor options is necessary.  At this time we do not have plans for outside tented areas during the winter months. We can explore options as we are heading into the winter season.  Whatever we select will need to be vetted out for durability/longevity.   

I'm seeing in the communication expectations doc that we need to "send an update" to families halfway through the quarter. That is this Friday... what form should the update take? An email to each student's parents? Up to date jump rope for a progress report sent by the school? Emails only to students who are having difficulty? -

Stand by for information on this topic. 




Tasks/Point people 

If you have more more questions please add to our Q&A 

We’re working hard to answer your questions - keep adding as more come up to Harwood MS/HS Q&A.  

Laurie, Meg and Duane

November conference dates 

Conference will be:

  • 3-6 p.m. November 12th

  • 3-6 p.m. November 17th

All conferences should be held via zoom thus, you are welcome to do these at school or home.

Canyon creek scheduler will be going out to families next Friday 10/30

Meg, Laurie and Duane 

Have staff calendar or meeting questions...

Take a look at our fac/staff google calendar - we will continue to update with TA and staff meeting details 


Rowland Fellows

If you’re interested in pursuing a Fellowship with Roland - see here for more details.

October meal calendar 

Meals calendar here.

Sports schedule 

See this week’s schedule here.  Go Highlanders!photo 

Chris L.




Tasks/Point people 


Students will NOW complete 2 separate google forms - 1.) an attendance check from Nancy and 2.) a wellness check from TA on asynchronous days (including Wed).

Moving forward the expectation is that students complete their attendance check by 10 a.m.  In order to:

  • increase efficiency for Nancy students will have to complete a check from her that will allow her to follow up with families and students to ensure their safety.

  • continue to prioritize TA wellness checks and also

  • provide more flexibility for staff to complete their TA attendance in powerschool for students both onsite and asynchronous.

Nancy & Ellen


See here for this week’s AWESOME assembly videoPlease enjoy with your TA on Wednesday 10/21. 
Remember to optimize your video and share computer audio when sharing your screen on Zoom.
Note that the video link is set to “private” for now but will be public in time for TA. 


Have an urgent question or need from admin?

If you have something URGENT you need from admin that you need within 24 hours please find them in person, call or text them.  We are working to actively get through our emails but can’t promise it will be immediate.    

Calling out reminder

In order to help Shannon secure coverage for you - please call in by 6:30 if you are out sick.


10/21 Staff meeting 

Please find this week’s meeting agenda here and you will receive a zoom invite from your grade level TA leader.  

ObjectivesTo identify helpful systems/routines/tools for managing your own self direction and wellness for yourself and to practice in readiness for supporting your TA for November conferences.

Laurie, Duane and Meg 

Zoom access increased 

Want more features - see here for co-hosting, chat options and more.  


Mock Election readiness support

In preparation for the national election and our mock election at HUHS which will take place on Wed, October 28,  the  department has collaborated to produce a Voters Guide to the 2020 Election, that  contains materials for ALL TAs and students to learn about the  upcoming election.There are sections on the following topics:

Norms for Having Political Discussions

How Do I Register to Vote?

I Got A Mail In Ballot...Now What?

 How Do I Vote By Mail?

Who Can Run For Office?

How Is A President Selected?

Additional Resource Links ( include info on the candidates running for state office in Vermont, questions about the electoral college and much more)

History Dep’t




Tasks/Point people 

Next steps for what to do when out sick

If you develop any COVID symptoms, you should consult with a health care provider and if the health care provider feels you need to be COVID tested, you should get tested and follow the VT Dept of Health guidelines after being tested.  According to the VT Dept of Health, you should self-isolate until you've been symptom free for 24 hours, even if you've gotten a negative result.  Once you've received a negative result and you haven't had any symptoms for 24 hours, you are cleared to return to work. 


Guidelines will be different if you are considered a close contact. You must follow the Vermont Department Of Health's directions, and if you have any questions, call them at  802-863-7200.

Tracy, Amanda, Meg, Laurie and Duane

Staff Mask Breaks

When taking a mask break, please make sure you are the only person in the room, and you close the door. Put your mask back on if someone enters the room. Indoor mask breaks are for staff only. Student mask breaks need to occur outside, or they need to have a mask break plan with the nurse's office. 

Amanda & Tracy

High School TA plans for the coming week

What’s on your plate???  (Like homemade bread?) 

As we embark on preparing for November conferences, there is a LOT on your plate! 

Let’s take it one course at a time!

This week we are introducing the conference agenda/planning document. A big thank you to Alex Rawson for reworking this document into a more user friendly framework. 

As a first step in the preparation, we are supporting our students to use the Wellness Wheel to consider where they are finding success in supporting their wellbeing and where they might like to focus some effort. We all had an opportunity to practice this in our advisory meetings last week.  Wellness is about balance! It is virtually impossible to be mastering all 8 areas!  Through modeling and support we can guide our students to develop a sense of their own priorities that can lead to a goal (WOOP template) to help restore an area that may be lacking. 

The final item on our plates over the next two weeks is to conduct academic check-ins with our students. You may organize this in person or over zoom, depending on what strategy works best for you. 

These conferences are a great way to reconnect with families from our welcome meetings in August. This year is challenging for all of us. Coming together again can ensure that students have the support systems they need as well as connect them to their own goals for success for the year. 

This week’s tip!

Are you still struggling to have students participate in your zoom meetings with their cameras on? I participated in a webinar last week. They cited a survey that indicated 70% of youth turned their camera off because they didn’t want to see their own image. There is a solution to this! Zoom enables the user to turn off self view. Here’s how:

Move the cursor over your video image on the zoom screen

Three dots appear

Select the dots

The last item on this menu is “turn off self view”

Select this and you no longer see your own image.

As always please reach out to me if I can help you with any of the items on your advisory plate!


Teaching Remote Lessons in 25-Minute Chunks

As you consider how to maximize your ELO time with students - take a look at these suggestions.

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