Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Harwood Staff Blog update, September 29, 2020



Team Harwood; 


Words from the flight deck:  As we approach our cruising altitude we ask that you continue to keep you seatbelts on and trays in the upright position.  Although we are soaring above the clouds, it is only by a few hundred feet, where turbulence can strike at any time.  In-flight meal service will begin soon.  Thank you and Thank you again for your amazing can-do attitude during one of the most unique school starts ever.  


It appears that the universe might have realized our need for a bright spot as it delivered this past weekend to us all. 


In partnership and with gratitude,

Laurie, Meg and Duane

Would it be possible to adjust the schedule so that the week after longer vacations that families and staff are likely to travel outside Vermont or have relatives from out of state, to make the week we return all online? 

This is a district level decision that has been brought to the Superintendent’s attention.

Could you provide us with the confidentiality statement for the end of our emails?

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not an intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the message.


What kinds of masks are acceptable? 

Masks should be made of cotton blend. Masks with valves or vents are not permissible.  Gaiters,

Buffs, bandanas are also NOT allowed; they do not provide a sufficient barrier. Masks made from fleece material have shown to be ineffective in preventing droplets from traveling through the mask and should not be worn.   Further information on mask wearing expectations and recommendations can be found here.




Tasks/Point people 

Fire Drill reflections

Overall our evacuation drill went well.  We exited the building in a timely and orderly manner for the first one of the year.  We understand that after the drill we will have students return to their classrooms to make sure they have ample time for cleaning. Important notes: 

  1. Close doors and make sure they are unlocked. 

  2. Make sure lights are off 

  3. Exit building through the closed exit - do not follow markings in the hallway. 

  4. Remind and check that all students are quiet during the drill.  This assists with hearing and complying with instructions.  

  5. Reminder and check that all students are wearing masks.during the duration of the drill. 

  6. When returning to the school after the drill, please stagger the release of students back into the building to reduce gathering of larger groups of students.  


If you have more more questions please add to our Q&A 

We’re working hard to answer your questions - keep adding as more come up to Harwood MS/HS Q&A.  

Laurie, Meg and Duane




Tasks/Point people 


Please complete your TA attendance by 12 noon so Nancy & Liz can connect with absent students/families before the end of the day and ensure accuracy of attendance. 

As we continue to refine our attendance process we have decided to simplify - we’ll be using Absent Excused (AE) moving forward NOT Present Remote or Absent Covid.

Teachers should use the following codes:

  • Absent Excused (please add why in comment box)

  • Unexcused Absent

  • Tardy Excused

  • Tardy Unexcused

Nancy and Liz

Sub binders

Please complete your sub binder and return to Shannon ASAP.



Please send Liz Hepp any announcements for TA.

Moving forward Liz will send out announcements to be shared during TA as she has done in the past.


Readying for the election and helping our students understand the significance of the VOTE.

On Wed, October 7, everyone in the high school will be watching the film  Suppressed: The Right to Vote during TA. Teachers will stream the video through  Zoom.  The schedule for day has  been altered:

 TA  will be extended  and will go from 11:45- 12:25

 12:25- 12:55 lunch break

12:55- 1:45  ELO 5

1:55- 2:45 ELO 6

We have prepared  resources and lesson ideas for you to choose from to engage your students prior to watching the film and  to help you discuss the film. Here is a link to the film, instructions as to how to optimize  your zoom screen to show the film, and ideas for prep and discussion:)  Please look at this link right away to begin to plan how you will introduce the film  and prepare your students to watch this riveting documentary on voter suppression in the 2018 gubernatorial election in Georgia.  If you have any questions at all  about the film or any of the materials please ask Kathy Cadwell,  Adam Sargent or Paul Kramer.

Senior TA’s-  If your students will be 18  before or on Nov 3 they can register to vote online! It’s easy! Here is the link to directions  to register online

NOTE:The history dept  will be sponsoring an all school mock election on Wed, Oct 28. Voting will be done digitally and we will send out background and teaching materials Stay tuned for details!


Kathy, Paul, Ellen, Chelsea and Genevieve

9/23 Staff meeting 

For the 2020-2021 school year staff meetings will be held on Wednesday’s from 3-4.  Please find this week’s meeting agenda and link.  


  • Departments will identify completion needs from 2019-2020 and how the needs will be met.

Meg, Laurie and Duane 




Tasks/Point people 

Maintaining our safety

Remember to wear masks at all times when in the building and when outside when not able to be separated by 6 feet.  NOTE: Wearing masks and maintaining physical distance continues to be the most effective means of preventing the spread of COVID.  To that end - please remind students to respect these expectations. 

IF, students struggle to meet these norms after being reminded by you- please consider what additional universal strategies you can employ - such as calling home AND then reach out for support from John and Eric.  If after 2 reminders from student support - a student continues to be challenged - they will be sent home.  


A reminder of what our students need to thrive

How Schools Are Meeting Social-Emotional Needs During the Pandemic - a powerful reminder that students are more successful when they:

  • believe their abilities and skills can grow with effort and feel physically and emotionally safe, or

  • believe their abilities and skills can grow with effort and feel their teachers expect a lot from them in terms of effort, persistence, and learning

SEL team 

Flu Shot

We will be holding our staff flu vaccination clinic on 10/16. More details to come!

Amanda and Tracy 

Hand Washing

Please remember to sanitize or wash your hands upon entering the building. 


TA plans for the coming week

We have made some changes in our planning for the next three weeks in preparation for the all school mock election. As a full school community, we will be viewing: Suppressed: The Right to Vote 

This post is in follow up to an all staff email. This document will provide the necessary information for pre and post film activities. Thank you in advance for supporting this powerful work as we explore this important topic. 


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