Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Harwood Staff Blog update, September 15, 2020


We are still flying beneath the clouds - keep your seatbelts on!  
Heading into large clouds soon....  but perhaps it will be as smooth as its mostly been... 

Team Harwood;


The most commonly asked question these days is - “so, how did it go?”

As a result of OUR hard work and tireless efforts the response has continually been “smoother than we could have hoped.”


Hopefully everyone took time this weekend to breathe deeply and feel a sense of accomplishment for successfully completing the first step.  Now, the continued work of refining our systems and consistently upholding ECHO is upon us.  


The news of two Crossett Brook students testing positive surfaces the true reality of why we have feet markers 6 ft. apart in front of the cafeteria, why only ½ of our students are in the building at a time and why we will continue to support each other and our students in keeping our masks on at all time.  PLEASE NOTE:  unless you are contacted by the Vermont Department of Health (VDH.)


At this time HUUSD is planning to transition to a 3/2 model next Monday 9/21.  This means:

  • Black cohort - 

    • Monday & Tuesday - onsite learning 

    • Wednesday - TA/ELO

    • Thursday & Friday - asynchronous learning

  • Gold cohort - 

    • Monday & Tuesday - asynchronous learning 

    • Wednesday - TA/ELO

    • Thursday & Friday - onsite learning 


In partnership and with gratitude,

Laurie, Meg and Duane

A few quick FAQ’s

What is the protocol if students aren't social distancing? And what do we do if we notice more than 2 students in the bathroom at once? 

Some students may need reminders as they start to become comfortable with this our new school model.  The best approach is to be  gentle yet firm.  Reminders that do not produce results may require a referral to our student support team (see link below) .  We will be utilizing our Powerschool referral system (as we have in the past) to identify and flag issues that our team may need to address.  As in most cases a team approach works best. 

How are we handling discipline referrals to our Student Support Services?  

Please take a minute to view the process of how to log a discipline referral into powerschool:  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-YGSalbDcCV11LdODzjpQtcbv4EosrbVARinvXJZr-w/edit#slide=id.g63cdac98cc_0_15

What is the protocol for students that email on an off-site (zoom) day and say that they don't feel well and are not coming to the zoom? Do their parents need to call them in sick, do I mark them present or absent?

Students who are ill and need to take a sick day regardless if is a in-person/remote day need to have a note from their parent (email) indicating that they are missing a day of school.  As long a a parent indicates they are sick this is understood to be an excused day.  

What is our plan for fire drills and other emergency drills this year?

We will hold monthly drills as we had in the past.  Instructions/directions will be sent out prior to our first drill as well as a brief discussion at the September 23rd staff meeting.  

How will the library be used this year?

The library space will be utilized as a TA/study hall/small group and resource center during the school year.   

Where can staff park if they arrive during student arrival because of family needs?

Staff can park in the Dowsville parking lot.




Tasks/Point people 

HUMHS Schedule 

In case you need a reminder - here is next week’s schedule

  • TA will continue to be until 9:02 on Tues/Thurs. 

Starting 9/21 our schedule will transition to our “regular schedule.

Laurie, Meg and Duane

9/16 Staff meeting 

For the 2020-2021 school year staff meetings will be held on Wednesday’s from 3-4.

Here is this week’s meeting agenda.  We will focus our time on ensuring readiness for our lessons as we transition next week from our “slow start” to our “new normal”.

If you have more more questions please add to our Q&A 

We’re working hard to answer your questions - keep adding as more come up to Harwood MS/HS Q&A.  

Laurie, Meg and Duane

Add/Drop period

Add drop period will end date 9/18

Counseling office 

Online Academy Update

Enrollment is now closed - families must remain in whatever model they have chosen.





Tasks/Point people 

Priorities to ensure contract tracing can be done IF/WHEN it is required

  1. Daily attendance 

  2. Daily seating chart for each group of your students

  3. Bathroom sign out - student name, date, time leaving and returning to class


Friendly reminder re: mandated trainings 

Please complete your mandated trainings - please see list and link here by 9/18.  




Tasks/Point people 

Calling out and need a sub

Please call Shannon no later than 6:30 if you are going to be absent due to illness


Enriching students sign up

Update and Review 


TA Asynchronous attendance check


The Asynchronous Check in for Week Two form is located in this Folder 


Attendance reminders

If your asynchronous students did NOT respond to their question of the day on either Tuesday or Thursday please make sure you reach out to them today to clarify that expectation and ensure they understand how to do this next week and it's purpose.

Study hall teachers - please ensure you also reach out to any students you did not attend your online study hall and confirm online study hall day expectations.  

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