Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Harwood Staff Blog, August 25, 2020

Thank you for starting inservice today with flexibility, thoughtfulness, an open heart and candor.

The other night as I read aloud Peter Renolds I am Human to my son at bedtime it’s message resonated and reminded me of my own humanity and the need for deep breaths. road ahead will necessitate our continued care of each other. Let’s continue to choose empathy and collective effort.

With gratitude and in partnership,

Meg, Duane and Laurie

Harwood MS/HS Staff FAQ



When will our weekly staff meeting be held this year given our new hybrid model?

Given our new hybrid schedule Staff meetings will now be held on Wednesday’s instead of Tuesdays as these will be remote days in most modelling.  

If I want to leave the building for outside learning - where can I go?  

The Operations team will be sharing a map of designated areas for specific teachers/departments to utilize.  Please note that the use of areas outside of the allowable areas will require staff to follow the field trip process.  

If I want to leave the building for outside learning what protocols do I need to follow?

Staff must: 

Plan ahead for outside learning 

Connect with the office to indicate they are learning outside

We are working on a google form to assist with this 

We have ordered 15 additional radios for use 

What will the flow of arrival look like each in-person day. 

Staff should come to school prior to 7:30 to avoid traffic congestion

If coming in a parent/guardian car 

The vehicle will follow a traffic pattern that will circle behind the school and end up near the south entrance.  Screeners will check students in their car prior exiting their care and prior to coming into the school.  Students who pass screenings will proceed to TA  

If coming in a student car 

The vehicle will follow a traffic pattern that will circle behind the school and end up near the south entrance.  Screeners will check students in their car prior to exiting their car and prior to coming into the school. Students who pass their screening will proceed to part their car then enter the school.     

If coming in a bus

Students will be screened at the bus pick up location 

Students will be spaced appropriately on the bus 

Students will arrive at Harwood at the front of building and line up with the front busses parked near the exit at the top of the horseshoe.  Middle School Bus Students will enter the middle school entrance, High School Bus Students will enter the main entrance.  Given they have been screened - they will proceed to their TA’s. 

We are exploring the idea that students will have a sticker indicating that have passed their screening to ensure that all students are screened prior to entering the school.  

When will classroom teachers receive PPE from school?

PPE will be distributed to each teacher beginning this Friday.  Amanda and Eric will be the point people for distribution.  

How will I get cleaning supplies for my classroom?

The Harwood maintenance staff will maintain adequate cleaning supplies in each classroom.  We will place an notice on our work order form to inform the maintenance staff when you need to be restocked.  

What will ELO look like on 9/10?

We will NOT have ELO the first Wednesday.  There will be an extended TA and staff meeting to provide time for reflection. 

What are the guidelines for how your classroom should look like? 

The guidelines recommends  6 ft spacing and students facing the same direction.   In some cases this may not work as well as others.  Masks are the most important prevention item in any classroom situations. 

Teaching & Learning 

What does the Full remote Academy look like?

The HUUSD Online Academy 2020 is still being developed,

In grades K-8 we expect a model of remote only classes taught by our own HUUSD licensed educators reassigned to these online classroom groups. There may be a hybrid model in grades 7 - 8.  

In grades 9-12 we envision a college type model where students will be engaged in VTVLC online classes, other online classes that we may be able to purchase, independent studies with HUHS staff, and attend classes that HUUSD teachers elect to teach from 3:00-5:00 daily (or some other agreed upon time) in addition to their regular position, as if they were teaching a class at a college. They will receive additional compensation to take this on and it is strictly voluntary. We just notified staff of this idea yesterday and have 7 interested teachers. 7-12 grade teachers may be reassigned to remote only blocks based on the number of in person students in the building.

Ideally, we will meet the needs of all of our students in some way, somehow. During the first two weeks of school, when all students are remote for 4 days, we hope to find a way for the remote only classrooms to merge with the hybrid classrooms to establish that sense of community. As more in person days are added and teachers cannot do both the remote online academy students will be in separate online classes. 

What are the expectations around recording synchronous student learning time - both onsite and online?

There is NO live streaming of in-person class lessons, but pre-recorded teacher sessions/ zoom recorded sessions posted after the fact in order to provide time to review are allowed.  Anything with students in it must follow our existing protocols. 

What is the plan for course completion during semester 1? 

These quarter-long courses were added to the master schedule to support students who were unable to fully participate in Remote Learning last spring and, therefore, did not complete one or more of their courses for the 2019-20 school year.  This was noted as NC on their progress report sent home in July.

The assessments scored during this extended time will be added to the 2019-20 course.

(listed on a schedule as “course comp. Biology”, for example)

What is this new Flex block I see in student schedules?

All students are scheduled for Flex Block in semester 2, block 4.  Students will eventually (by end of semester 1) be scheduled more selectively based on needs, interests, and options.

As the name implies, this block holds the opportunity to be used in multiple ways.  As a faculty, we will continue to engage in brainstorming, planning and discussion of these possibilities throughout the first few months of the school year.  More to come!

*Please note that this block is not yet reflected in your teaching schedule.

What will the schedule look like if we pivot to a 3/2 model?

Tuesday students will become Monday/Tuesday students.

Thursday students will become Thursday/Friday students.

Our schedule onsite days and Wednesday will remain the same.

How will ELO be scheduled this year?

Please add to this document if you are interested in having a lunch group, ELO 5 or ELO 6

ELO blocks 1-4 will be scheduled based on class blocks.  The advantage of this schedule is that there will be NO conflicts for either teachers or students being available at the same time.  In addition, it allows teachers to plan intentionally for this 30 mins based on a specific class.  

Teachers will need to pre-book students by the end of the day each Tuesday.  Pre-bookings should be based on:

Need for targeted support for current work - either skills review or completion oversight

Need to complete or revise work from the previous week

Yes, you can pre-book your entire class if that fits your purpose

Students may book themselves at any point through Wednesday morning TA.

Wednesday morning TA will need to include time to review each student’s plan for the day.

Lunch groups, ELO5, ELO6  Please provide the additional information below.  This is not yet a commitment but a collection of potential (or probable) ideas.  Add more rows as needed.

Student Support 

Will there be an extended TA during the first 9 days to support our Smart Start?

TA will be from 8:15 to 9am on both Tuesday and Thursday for the first two weeks (Sept. 8-Sept.18)

During the ELO TA on Wednesday, Sept. 9 all students will join their TA together until 9am.

How will clubs be held this year?

Clubs should be held via zoom during Wednesday ELO 5 & 6 or afterschool hours unless otherwise discussed with administration.

If I am unable to reach my TA students/families after 2+ calls how should I ensure they are starting the year with the supports needed?

Contact their school counselor

If school counselor does not connect with student/family the student’s name will be sent to the SST

Coming Soon to a school near you!  

Schedule for the 1st days of school that reflects extended TA and no ELO on 9/9.




Tasks/Point people 

Resources to support learning and readiness for our new teaching model

From Kathy Cadwell  - Blog: Strategies in Classroom Dialogue: Harkness Updates


Break out room tutorial Check out this video on Break out rooms

Kathy Cadwell 

Inservice Online skill

Continue to build your online skillset as we transition to our hybrid learning model.  Sign up for your workshops choices

Genevieve & Jonah 

If you have more more questions please add to our Q&A 

Harwood MS/HS Q&A.  We are working to answer all your questions in a timely manner.  In order to help us track unanswered questions please add them to this document.  Some will be included in the next Blog FAQ and others will just be answered directly in the Q&A.

Inservice schedule 

2020 August Inservice schedule 




Tasks/Point people 

Supporting clarity

Join us for our daily staff check in starting tomorrow at 2:45 for a quick Q&A.

Zoom invites on our fac/staff calendar 

Meg, Duane and Laurie

Highlander STRONG pride

Please wear your Harwood garb next Monday 8/31so we can capture a staff picture for the assembly crew 


Inservice readiness 

Prior to our Thursday Assessment and Grading please ready by reading this doc

During inservice, we will also have an all faculty/staff Harkness discussion so that each of us can weigh in on the question, " “What are the opportunities for and obstacles to addressing racial justice in our school culture?” Please review the  google document here that outlines the logistics for our  gathering and  the  linked materials so that you will be ready to contribute to the Harkness on Wednesday, August 26th.  

Email Paul & Kathy Cadwell

Family Communication

Please share any communication you draft with Laurie, Meg and Duane in order to support us in ensuring we’re consistent and all on the same page.

Meg, Duane and Laurie




Tasks/Point people 

How to plan for the first week of school when everything feels uncertain

“Absolutely nothing is written in stone right now and nothing is permanent. Take advantage of that opportunity to create change that’s ultimately better for you and your students.”  

As we seek to be realistic and prioritize self care in light of this uncertainty listen to Angela Watson’s Truth for Teacher’s podcast for some insight and important reminders.  

Daily Health Check

Before entering the Harwood campus each day please complete the following Harwood Health & safety check 

Construction work FYI

*Crossett Hill Rd. will be closed August 18 through October 13, 2020 

*The southern bridge of the Moretown Village will be closed for approximately three months.  If a ride is needed through the river  and forest to Harwood, please email Laurie as she will be glad to pick you up on horseback (remember she is a champion lancer) to get you there and back.  

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